RR Lyrae light curves obtained by Automated Extended Aperture Photometry for stars observed in Campaigns 0-19 of the K2 mission. These stars were observed in the following Guest Observer Programs: GO0055, GO1018, GO2040, GO3040, GO4069, GO5069, GO6082, GO7082, GO8037, GO9916, GO10037, GO11111, GO12111, GO13111, GO14058, GO15058, GO16058, GO17033, GO18033, GO19033. The program proposals and target lists are available from the repository of K2 approved targets & programs: https://keplergo.github.io/KeplerScienceWebsite/k2-approved-programs.html. Each file contains five columns: BJD, raw flux, flux error, K2SC corrected flux and detrended K2SC flux. Note that Campaigns 9-11 are split due to various reasons.