ip method

The IP Method (IPM) is a new method we developed for determining physical parameters of RR Lyrae stars exclusively from multicolour photometric observations (Sódor, Jurcsik, & Szeidl, 2008).


we present a new method for determining physical parameters of RRab variables exclusively from multicolour light curves. Our method is an Inverse Photometric Baade-Wesselink analysis which, using a nonlinear least squares algorithm, searches for the effective temperature (T_eff) and pulsational velocity (V_p) curves and other physical parameters that best fit the observed light curves, utilising synthetic colours and bolometric corrections from static atmosphere models. The T_eff and V_p curves are initially derived from empirical relations then they are varied by the fitting algorithm. The method yields the variations and the absolute values of the radius, the effective temperature, the visual brightness, and the luminosity of individual objects. Distance and mass are also determined. The method is tested on 9 RRab stars subjected to Baade-Wesselink analyses earlier by several authors. The physical parameters derived by our method using only the light curve data of these stars are well within their possible ranges defined by direct Baade-Wesselink and other techniques. A new empirical relation between the I_C magnitude and the pulsational velocity is also presented, which allows to construct the V_p curve of an RRab star purely from photometric observations to an accuracy of about 3.5 km/s.


The implementation of the IPM is available from the author upon request via e-mail: sodor *at* konkoly *dot* hu.
