My work and interests

Funding and research group - In the news - Research interests


I am a tenured senior research fellow at Konkoly Observatory in Budapest, Hungary. From September 2021 I am leading the SeismoLab group, funded by a Hungarian Élvonal (Forefront) Research Excellence Grant. Before that I completed two successful postdoc grants: I was a Premium Postdoctoral Program grantee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and before that I was funded by an NKFIH post-doctoral grant. I also received the János Bolyai Research Scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the Ányos Jedlik Scholarship for PhD Candidates within the National Excellence Program. I am a Junior Príma Award recipient.

The SeismoLab group in 2021.

In the news

How soon will Betelgeuse blow? - Sky and Telescope

Molnár László: A csillagászat egy kapudrog - Szertár podcast

Kozmikus világítótornyok és a csillagmodellezés lehetetlensége - Qubit

Betelgeuse, the unusually dimming star, is smaller and closer than scientists thought - CNN article

Scientists figure out when red supergiant Betelgeuse will go supernova - Sky News

Betelgeuse Is Neither as Far Nor as Large as We Thought, And It's a Total Bummer - ScienceAlert article

Don't panic! But Betelgeuse may be 25% closer to Earth than we previously thought - Phil Plait (Bad Astronomy), SYFYWire

Supergiant star Betelgeuse smaller, closer than first thought - ELKH press release

Supergiant star Betelgeuse smaller, closer than first thought - ANU press release

Stellar Evolution in Real Time Detected in the Old Star T Ursae Minoris - AAVSO press release

Watching Stars Evolve in Real Time - AAS Nova article

Century of Amateur Observations Shed Light on Star’s Evolution - Sky & Telescope article

Astronomers are watching a star die in real time - Phil Plait (Bad Astronomy), SYFYWire

Kepler watched a Cepheid star boil - press release

2007 OR10: Largest Unnamed World in the Solar System - NASA press release

Dwarf Planet 2007 OR10: Big, Dark, and Slow - Sky and Telescope

NASA'S Kepler Spacecraft Takes Pulse Of Distant Stars - NASA/KASC press release

Space telescopes

I mostly use data from various photometric space telescopes for my research. I secured observations with the Canadian MOST space telescope, and I'm lead and contributed to several successful programs within the K2 mission of the Kepler space telescope. I'm also heavily involved in the TESS mission, and to a small extent to the European Gaia mission too. I collaborate with many people through the scientific consortia of the missions and as a member of the SPEX research group led by Róbert Szabó.

Some notable papers:
- To Grow Old and Peculiar: A Survey of Anomalous Variable Stars in M80 and Age Determination using K2 and Gaia, 2023, A&A, 678, 104
- Gaia Data Release 2. Variable stars in the colour-absolute magnitude diagram, 2019, A&A, 623, 110
- V473 Lyr, a modulated, period-doubled Cepheid, and U TrA, a double-mode Cepheid observed by MOST, 2017, MNRAS, 466, 4009
- Pushing the limits, episode 2: K2 observations of extragalactic RR Lyrae stars in the dwarf galaxy Leo IV, 2015, ApJ, 812, 2
- Nonlinear Asteroseismology of RR Lyrae, 2012, ApJ, 757, L13

Pulsating stars

I am deeply interested in the workings of pulsating stars: stars that shrink and expand in a (quasi-)periodic manner. Many types of stars do that (but the Sun doesn't). While the basics of the pulsation are now understood, the stars hide many more secrets. They may exhibit various low-amplitude pulsations hiding behind the main one. The pulsation modes can interact with each other, creating intricate dynamical systems that can lead to resonances and even the emergence of chaos. They also convey information from the inner structure of the star. Moreover, these stars can tell about the bulk properties of their parent structures, e.g. open and globular clusters as well as other galaxies.
More recently, me and ANU Canberra colleague Meridith Joyce together developed a new method called 'seismic evolution'. We combined physical parameters from pulsating red giant and supergiant stars with evolutionary and seismic models to understand their structure and evolution better.

Some notable papers:
- Stellar Evolution in Real Time: Models Consistent with Direct Observation of Thermal Pulse in T Ursae Minoris, 2019, ApJ, 879, 62,
- The Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg revisited: light curve modulation and detection of granulation, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1553
- Period doubling bifurcation and high-order resonances in RR Lyrae hydrodynamical models, 2011, MNRAS, 414, 1111
- Can turbulent convective variations drive the Blazhko cycle? Dynamical investigation of the Stothers idea, 2012, MNRAS, 424, 31

The Solar System

While I have been harboring a childhood love towards the Solar System, I am no planetary scientist. Nevertheless, I found my chance to contribute to the field. The K2 mission of the Kepler space telescope observes along the Ecliptic where many small and large bodies cross its field of view. We started a program called K2 Solar System Studies to exploit the capabilities of Kepler in order to investigate those objects. The group is a unique collaboration between planetary scientists, astronomers who have deep expertise with the Kepler data, and coders who developed the data processing pipeline.

Some notable papers:
- Main-belt asteroids in the K2 Uranus field, 2018, ApJS, 234, 37
- The heart of the swarm: K2 photometry and rotational characteristics of 56 Jovian Trojan asteroids, 2017, A&A, 599, 44
- Large size and slow rotation of the trans-Neptunian object (225088) 2007 OR10 discovered from Herschel and K2 observations, 2016, AJ, 151, 117
- Nereid from space: Rotation, size and shape analysis from Kepler/K2, Herschel and Spitzer observations, 2016, MNRAS, 457, 290

Teaching, media, etc.

Research topics - Teaching and presentations - Public outreach and media

TDK/BSc/MSc research topics for students

The following topics are described in Hungarian, but English supervision is also possible.

Változócsillagok fotometriája a SMEI műszerrel - több évnyi űradat a Kepler előttről
(Variable star photometry with the SMEI instrument - multi-year space-based data before Kepler)

A SMEI (Solar Mass Ejection Imager) egy három kamerából álló műszer volt, ami 2003-11 között működött a Coriolis műholdon. Fő célja a napkitörések követése volt az egész égbolton, de a felvételeken a fényesebb csillagok is megjelentek, úgy 5-6 magnitúdóig. A tiszta képekhez ezeket akkurátusan kimérték és eltávolították, ami egyben azt is jelentette, hogy hirtelen keletkezett az égbolt legfényesebb csillagairól egy csomó fotometriai adat. Ezek között 15-20 cefeida csillag, számos fényes fedési kettős és más változók is szerepelnek. Nehézségtől és dolgozattípustól függően egy vagy több csillag adatainak feldolgozására van lehetőség, az instrumentális jelek eltávolításával és a megtisztított fénygörbék részletes elemzésével, és akár újabb mérésekkel való összevetésével együtt.

A Sagittarius-törpegalaxis RR Lyrae csillagai a K2-vel
(RR Lyrae stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy with K2)

A Sagittarius-törpe a hozzánk legközelebbi extragalaxis, amelyet a Tejút éppen darabokra szed. A K2 misszió 7. kampányában az Sgr törpe közel 400 RR Lyrae csillagáról gyűjtött fénygörbéket a Kepler egy kis területen. Ez egyedi lehetőséget teremt a két galaxis RR Lyrae csillagai közti különbségek feltérképezésére, fénygörbe-alak, fémességek és pulzációs módusok eloszlása kapcsán is. Az adatok feldolgozása azonban kihívásokat rejt, mert a csillagok viszonylag halványak, a terület sűrű, és az űrtávcső a vártnál nagyobb elmozdulásokat szenvedett. A szükséges eljárások a bash/C-alapú fitsh és a pythonban írt K2SC szoftverek formájában rendelkezésre állnak, csak adaptálásukra van szüksége a jelentkezőnek (elsősorban a python oldal kapcsán).

Kettős kisbolygók vizsgálata a TESS űrtávcső adatai alapján
(Analysis of binary asteroids with data from the TESS space telescope)

A TESS űrtávcső látómezői kisbolygók ezreit tartalmazzák, amelyekre a csillagokhoz hasonló, folytonos fénygörbék nyerhetők ki. Ezek segítségével lehetőség nyílik a nagyobb/fényesebb kontakt és szeparált kettős kisbolygók fénygörbéinek átfogó és homogén elemzésére. A téma kapcsán a fénygörbék azonosítása, az amplitúdók és forgási és/vagy keringési periódusok eloszlásának a felmérése a cél. Emellett aszinkron kettősök keresése (ahol a forgás és a keringés eltérő periódusokkal történik) valamint a különböző fénygörbe-alakok gyakoriságának felmérése is elvégezhető.

Pulzáló változócsillagok kémiai paraméterei
(Chemical parameters of pulsating variable stars)

A csillagok életének és pontos fejlődésének egyik meghatározó eleme, hogy mennyi, a hidrogénnél és héliumnál nehezebb kémiai elem található bennük. Pulzáló változók, mint RR Lyrae és cefeida csillagok esetében a kémiai összetétel a fényességváltozásokra is hatással van, és így fotometriai mérésekből is következtetni lehet a csillagok fémtartalmára. Több nagy égboltfelmérő program, mint a Gaia vagy TESS, biztosít számunkra pontos fényességméréseket, amelyek hasznosíthatók ilyen célokra. A projekt során a hallgató megismerkedhet a csillagfejlődés menetével a pulzáló változó állapotba, valamint azzal, hogyan befolyásolják a csillagok alapvető fizikai paraméterei a fejlődési utakat. A rendelkezésre álló spektroszkópiai és fotometriai adatok összevetésével lehetősége lesz kalibrálni a fotometriai fémesség meghatározási módszerét. Ennek tudományos jelentősége, hogy sem a Gaia, sem a TESS űrmissziók esetében nem készültek még ilyen célzott kalibrációk. Mivel a Gaia űrtávcső távolságokat is szolgáltat, segítségükkel lehetőségünk lesz feltérképezni, hogyan változik az ilyen csillagok kémiai összetétele a Tejútrendszeren belül.

Teaching and slide decks

Here are some presentations of mine (in English):

- Space-based photometry I. - pdf
- Space-based photometry II. - pdf

In Hungarian:

- Exobolygók - pdf, pptx, keynote
- Űrtávcsövek - pdf, pptx, keynote
- Exobolygók II óra jegyzetek (Molnár László)
- Exobolygók I óra jegyzetek (Molnár László, Szabó Róbert)
- A csillagok asztrofizikájának válogatott kérdései (Csillagszeizmológia)

Old ones, in Hungarian:

- Kőzetbolygók - pdf
- Óriásbolygók - pdf
- A Hold - pdf
- Változócsillagok - pdf
- Kettőscsillagok - pdf
- Space-based photometry (old version) - pdf

Public outreach and social media

I serve as one of the social media editors for Konkoly Observatory. We have a Hungarian Facebook page, and English twitter and Instagram accounts. Check them out!

I have had a passion for public outreach and writing for a long time. I ran the Knights of Cydonia Region blog, writing about spaceflight, space, planets, and astronomy, from 2008 to 2014. The blog had its heydays in 2011 when it was awarded with the Goldenblog award for best expert blog.

As a postdoc, unfortunately, I have less time to write, but I haven't given up. I joined the team behind, the only astronomy-themed news site in Hungarian. I occasionally post at Qubit, and before that to the Pulispace and Budapest Science Meetup blogs at


I served as editor-in-chief of the journal Information Bulletin on Variable Stars between 2014-19. The IBVS was a small journal with a lot of history. It was started in 1961 as a platform to disseminate alerts and new information among the variable star community, but soon turned into a more conventional journal, publishing short research notes. IBVS has been a peer-reviewed, fully open-access, online-only journal. We published short research papers and notes, mostly on pulsating stars and eclipsing binaries.


Articles - Proceedings - Other publications


- 2024 -

Joyce, Meridith; Molnár, László; Cinquegrana, Giulia; Karakas, Amanda; Tayar, Jamie; Tarczay-Nehéz, Dóra: DStellar Evolution in Real Time II: R Hydrae and an Open-Source Grid of >3000 Seismic TP-AGB Models Computed with MESA, 2024, ApJ, under review

Kiss, Cs.; Müller, T. G.; Marton, G.; Szakáts, R.; Pál, A.; Molnár, László; Vilenius, E.; Rengel, M.; Ortiz, J. L.; Fernández-Valenzuela, E.: The visible and thermal light curve of the large Kuiper belt object (50000) Quaoar, 2024, A&A, in press

Das, Susmita; Molnár, László; Kanbur, Shashi M.; Joyce, Meridith; Bhardwaj, Anupam; Singh, Harinder P.; Marconi, Marcella; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Smolec, Radoslaw: A theoretical framework for BL Her stars -- II. New period-luminosity relations in the Gaia passbands, 2024, A&A, in press

Nemec, James M.; Linnell Nemec, Amanda F.; Moskalik, Pawel; Molnár, László; Plachy, Emese; Szabó, Róbert; Kolenberg, Katrien: Double-mode RR Lyrae stars observed by K2: analysis of high-precision Kepler photometry, 2024, MNRAS, 529, 296

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Focused Product Release: A catalogue of sources around quasars to search for strongly lensed quasars, 2024, A&A, in press

- 2023 -

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Focused Product Release: Radial velocity time series of long-period variables, 2024, A&A, 680, 36

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Focused Product Release: Spatial distribution of two diffuse interstellar bands, 2024, A&A, 680, 38

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Focused Product Release: Sources from Service Interface Function image analysis -- Half a million new sources in omega Centauri, 2024, A&A, 680, 35

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Focused Product Release: Asteroid orbital solution. Properties and assessment, 2024, A&A, 680, 37

Netzel, H.; Molnár, L.; Joyce, M.: Detailed asteroseismic modelling of RR Lyrae stars with non-radial modes, 2023, MNRAS, 525, 5378

Marciniak, A.; Ďurech, J.; Choukroun, A.; Hanuš, J.; Ogłoza, W.; Szakáts, R.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.: Scaling slowly rotating asteroids with stellar occultations, 2023, A&A, 679, 60

Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Bódi, A.; Pál, A.; Joyce, M.; Kalup, Cs.; Johnson, C. I.; Dencs, Z.; Mészáros , Sz.; Netzel, H.; Kinemuchi, K.; Kollmeier, J. A.; Prieto, J. L.; Derekas, A.: To Grow Old and Peculiar: A Survey of Anomalous Variable Stars in M80 and Age Determination using K2 and Gaia, 2023, A&A, 678, 104

Netzel, H.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Benkő, J. M.: Frequency analysis of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars based on the Extended Aperture Photometry from the K2 data, 2023, A&A, 677, 177

Ádám, R. Z.; Hajdu, T.; Bódi, A.; Hajdu, R.; Szklenár, T; Molnár, L.: Variable stars in the residual light curves of OGLE-IV eclipsing binaries towards the Galactic Bulge, 2023, A&A, 674, 170

Tarczay-Nehéz, D; Molnár, L.; Bódi, A.; Szabó, R.: Testing Ultra-low Amplitude Cepheid Candidates in the Galactic Disk by TESS and Gaia, 2023, A&A, 676, 28

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Summary of the content and survey properties, 2023, A&A, 674, 1

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Reflectance spectra of Solar System small bodies, 2023, A&A, 674, 35

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: The Galaxy in your preferred colours. Synthetic photometry from Gaia low-resolution spectra, 2023, A&A, 674, 33

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Mapping the asymmetric disc of the Milky Way, 2023, A&A, 674, 37

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Pulsations in main sequence OBAF-type stars, 2023, A&A, 674, 36

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: A Golden Sample of Astrophysical Parameters, 2023, A&A, 674, 39

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: The extragalactic content, 2023, A&A, 674, 41

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Stellar multiplicity, a teaser for the hidden treasure, 2023, A&A, 674, 34

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Exploring and mapping the diffuse interstellar band at 862 nm, 2023, A&A, 674, 40

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 3: Chemical cartography of the Milky Way, 2023, A&A, 674, 38

Eyer, L.; Audard, M.; Holl, B.; Rimoldini, L.; Carnerero, M. I.; Clementini, G.; De Ridder, J.; Distefano, E.; Evans, D. W.; Gavras, P.; Gomel, R.; Lebzelter, T.; Marton, G.; Mowlavi, N.; Panahi, A.; Ripepi, V.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Nienartowicz, K.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Lecoeur-Taibi, I.; Rohrbasser, L.; Riello, M.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Mazeh, T.; Raiteri, C. M.; Zucker, S.; Abraham, P.; Aerts, C.; Aguado, J. J.; Anderson, R. I.; Bashi, D.; Binnenfeld, A.; Faigler, S.; Garofalo, A.; Karbevska, L.; Kospal, A.; Kruszynska, K.; Kun, M.; Lanza, A. F.; Leccia, S.; Marconi, M.; Messina, S.; Molinaro, R.; Molnar, L.; Muraveva, T.; Musella, I.; Nagy, Z.; Pagano, I.; Palaversa, L.; Plachy, E.; Rybicki, K. A.; Shahaf, S.; Szabados, L.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Trabucchi, M.; Barblan, F.; Roelens, M.: Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the variability processing and analysis, 2023, A&A, 674, 13

Ripepi, V.; Clementini, G.; Molinaro, R.; Leccia, S.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Rimoldini, L.; Musella, I.; Marconi, M.; Garofalo, A.; Audard, M.; Holl, B.; Evans, D. W.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Lecoeur-Taibi, I.; Marchal, O.; Mowlavi, N.; Muraveva, T.; Nienartowicz, K.; Sartoretti, P.; Szabados, L.; Eyer, L.: Gaia DR3: Specific processing and validation of all-sky RR Lyrae and Cepheid stars -- The Cepheid sample, 2023, A&A, 674, 17

Benkő, J. M.; Plachy, E.; Netzel, H.; Bódi, A.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.: Time series analysis of bright TESS RRc stars: additional modes, phase variations, and more, 2023, MNRAS, 521, 443

Jurkovic, M. I.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Bódi, A.; Moskalik, P.; Szabó, R.: Type II and anomalous Cepheids in the Kepler K2 mission, 2023, MNRAS, 518, 642

Kecskeméthy, V.; Kiss, Cs.; Szakáts, R.; Pál, A.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Vinkó, J.; Szabó, R.; Marton, G.; Farkas-Takács, A.; Kalup, Cs. E.; Kiss, L. L.: Light curves of transneptunian objects from the K2 mission of the Kepler Space Telescope, 2023, ApJS, 264, 18

- 2022 -

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF3), 2022, A&A, 667, 148

Csörnyei, G.; Szabados, L.; Molnár, L.; Cseh, B.; Egei, N.; Kalup, Cs; Kecskeméthy, V.; Könyves-Tóth, R.; Sárneczky, K.; Szakáts, R.: Study of changes in the pulsation period of 148 Galactic Cepheid variables, MNRAS, 511, 2125

Bódi, A.; Szabó, P.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.: Automated Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 Variable Stars, 2022, PASP, 134, 014503

Szabó, Gy. M.; Pál, A.; Szigeti, L.; Bognár, Zs.; Bódi, A.; Kalup, Cs.; Jäger, Z. J.; Kiss, L. L.; Kiss, Cs.; Kovács, J.; Marton, G.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Sárneczky, K.; Szakáts, R.; Szabó, R.: Rotation periods and shape asphericity in asteroid families based on TESS S1-S13 observations, 2022, A&A, 661, 48

Molnár, L.; Bódi, A.; Pál, A.; Bhardwaj, A.; Hambsch, F-J.; Benkő, J. M.; Derekas, A.; Ebadi, M.; Joyce, M.; Hasanzadeh, A.; Kolenberg, K.; Lund, M. B.; Nemec, J. M.; Netzel, H.; Ngeow, C-C.; Pepper, J.; Plachy, E.; Prudil, Z.; Siverd, R. J.; Skarka, M., Smolec, R.; Sódor, Á.; Sylla, S.; Szabó, P.; Szabó, R.; Kjeldsen, H.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Ricker, G. R.: First results on RR Lyrae stars with the TESS space telescope: untangling the connections between mode content, colors and distances, 2022, ApJS, 258, 8

- 2021 -

Marciniak, A.; Ďurech, J.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Ogłoza, W.; Szakáts, R.; Müller, T. G.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Monteiro, F.; Arcoverde, P.; Behrend, R.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Bernasconi, L.; Bosch, J.; Brincat, S.; Brunetto, L.; Butkiewicz-Bąk, M.; Del Freo, F.; Duffard, R.; Evangelista-Santana, M.; Farroni, G.; Fauvaud, S.; Fauvaud, M.; Ferrais, M.; Geier, S.; Golonka, J.; Grice, J.; Hirsch, R.; Horbowicz, J.; Jehin, E.; Julien, P.; Kalup, Cs.; Kamiński, K.; Kamińska, M. K.; Kankiewicz, P.; Kecskeméthy, V.; Kim, D. -H.; Kim, M. -J.; Konstanciak, I.; Krajewski, J.; Kudak, V.; Kulczak, P.; Kundera, T.; Lazzaro, D.; Manzini, F.; Medeiros, H.; Michimani-Garcia, J.; Morales, N.; Nadolny, J.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pakštienė, E.; Pawłowski, M.; Perig, V.; Pilcher, F.; Pinel, P.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Polakis, T.; Richard, F.; Rodrigues, T.; Rondón, E.; Roy, R.; Sanabria, J. J.; Santana-Ros, T.; Skiff, B.; Skrzypek, J.; Sobkowiak, K.; Sonbas, E.; Stachowski, G.; Strajnic, J.; Trela, P.; Tychoniec, Ł.; Urakawa, S.; Verebelyi, E.; Wagrez, K.; Żejmo, M.; Żukowski, K.: Properties of slowly rotating asteroids from the Convex Inversion Thermophysical Model, 2021, A&A, 654, 87

Audenaert, J.; Kuszlewicz, J. S.; Handberg, R.; Tkachenko, A.; Armstrong, D. J.; Hon, M.; Kgoadi, R.; Lund, M. N.; Bell, K. J.; Bugnet, L.; Bowman, D. M.; Johnston, C.; García, R. A.; Stello, D.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Buzasi, D.; Aerts, C.; the T'DA collaboration: TESS Data for Asteroseismology (T'DA) Stellar Variability Classification Pipeline: Set-Up and Application to the Kepler Q9 Data , 2021, AJ, 162, 209

Kalup, E. Cs.; Molnár, L.; Kiss, Cs.; Szabó, M. Gy.; Pál, A.; Szakáts, R.; Sárneczky, K.; Vinkó, J.; Szabó, R.; Kecskeméthy, V.; Kiss, L. L.: 101 Trojans: a tale of period bimodality, binaries, and extremely slow rotators from K2 photometry, 2021, ApJS, 254, 7

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: Acceleration of the solar system from Gaia astrometry, 2021, A&A, 649, 9

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: The Galactic anticentre, 2021, A&A, 649, 8

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds, 2021, A&A, 649, 7

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars, 2021, A&A, 649, 6

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties, 2021, A&A, 649, 1

Ripepi, V.; Catanzaro, G.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Marconi, M.; Clementini, G.; Molinaro, R.; De Somma, G.; Leccia, S.; Mancino, S.; Musella, I.; Cusano, F.; Testa, V.: HD344787: a true Polaris analogue?, 2021, A&A, 647, 111

Plachy, E.; Pál, A.; Bódi, A.; Szabó, P.; Molnár, L.; Szabados, L.; Benkő, J. M.; Anderson, R. I.; Bellinger, E. P.; Bhardwaj, A.; Ebadi, M.; Gazeas, K.; Hambsch, F. -J.; Hasanzadeh, A.; Jurkovic, M. I.; Kalaee, M. J.; Kervella, P.; Kolenberg, K.; Mikołajczyk, P.; Nardetto, N. Nemec, J. M.; Netzel, H.; Ngeow, C. -C.; Ozuyar, D.; Pascual-Granado, J.; Pilecki, B.; Ripepi, V.; Skarka, M.; Smolec, R.; Sódor, Á.; Szabó, R.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Jenkins, J. M.; Kjeldsen, H.; Ricker, G. R.; Vanderspek, R.: TESS observations of Cepheid stars: first light results, 2021, ApJS, 253, 1

- 2020 -

Joyce, M.; Leung, S-C.; Molnár, L.; Ireland, M. J.; Kobayashi, C.; Nomoto, K.: Standing on the shoulders of giants: New mass and distance estimates for α Orionis through a combination of evolutionary, asteroseismic, and hydrodynamical simulations with MESA, 2020, ApJ, 902, 63

Jäger, Z., Jr.; Vinkó, J.; Bíró, B. I.; Hegedüs, T.; Borkovits, T.; Jäger, Z., Sr.; Nagy, A. P.; Molnár, L.; Kriskovics, L.: A low-luminosity core collapse supernova very similar to SN 2005cs , 2020, MNRAS, 496, 3725

Mackebrandt, F.; Schuh, S.; Silvotti, R.; Kim, S.-L.; Kilkenny, D.; Green, E. M.; Lutz, R.; Nagel, T.; Provencal, J. L.; Otani, T.; Oswalt, T. D.; Benatti, S.; Lanteri, L.; Bonanno, A.; Frasca, A.; Janulis, R.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Claudi, R.; Østensen R. H.: The EXOTIME project: Signals in the O−C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn, V1636 Ori, QQ Vir, and V541 Hya, 2020, A&A, 638, 108

Marton, G.; Kiss, Cs.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Farkas-Takács, A.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Müller, T.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Szabó, R.; Vinkó, J.; Sárneczky, K.; Kalup, Cs. E.; Marciniak, A.; Duffard, R.; Kiss, L. L.: Light curves of ten Centaurs from K2 measurements, 2020, Icarus, 345, 113721

Szabó, Gy. M.; Kiss, Cs.; Szakáts, R.; Pál, A.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Vinkó, J.; Szabó, R.; Marton, G.; Kiss, L. L.: Rotational properties of Hilda asteroids observed by the K2 mission, 2020, ApJS, 247, 34

Pál, A.; Szakáts, R.; Kiss, Cs.; Bódi, A.; Bognár, Zs.; Kalup, Cs.; Kiss, L. L.; Marton, G.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Sárneczky, K.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Szabó, R.: Solar System objects observed with TESS - First data release: bright main-belt and Trojan asteroids from the Southern Survey, 2020, ApJS, 247, 26

Evans, N. R.; Pillitteri, I.; Molnár, L.; Szabados, L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.; Engle, S.; Guinan, E.; Wolk, S.; Guenther, H. M.; Neilson, H.; Marengo, M.; Matthews, L. D.; Moschou, S.; Drake, J. J.; Kashyap, V.; Kervella, P.; Tordai, T.; Somogyi, P.; Burki, G.: X-ray Observations of the Peculiar Cepheid V473 Lyr Identify A Low-Mass Companion, 2020, AJ, 159, 121

E. Podlewska-Gaca, A. Marciniak, V. Ali-Lagoa, P. Bartczak, T. G. Müller, R. Szakáts, R. Duffard, L. Molnár, A. Pál, M. Butkiewicz-Bak, G. Dudzinski, K. Dziadura, P. Antonini, V. Asenjo,, M. Audejean, Z. Benkhaldoun, R. Behrend, L. Bernasconi, J. M. Bosch, A. Chapman, B. Dintinjana, A. Farkas, M. Ferrais, S. Geier, J. Grice, R. Hirsh, H. Jacquinot, E. Jehin, A. Jones, D. Molina, N. Morales,N. Parley, R. Poncy, R.Roy, T. Santana-Ros, B. Seli, K. Sobkowiak, E. Verebélyi, K. Zukowski: Physical parameters of selected Gaia mass asteroids, 2020, A&A, accepted

- 2019 -

Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Bódi, A.; Skarka, M.; Szabó, P.; Szabó, .; Klagyivik, P.; Sódor, Á.m; Pope, B. J. S.: Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars, 2019, ApJS, 244, 32

Borkovits, T.; Sperauskas, J.; Tokovinin, A.; Latham, D. W.; Csányi, I.; Hajdu, T.; Molnár, L.: The compact multiple system HIP 41431, 2019, MNRAS, 487, 4631

Molnár, L.; Joyce, M.; Kiss, L.: Stellar Evolution in Real Time: Models Consistent with Direct Observation of Thermal Pulse in T Ursae Minoris, 2019, ApJ, 879, 62

Marciniak, A.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Müller, T. G.; Szakáts, R.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Parley, N.; Antonini, P.; Barbotin, E.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Butkiewicz-Bąk, M.; Crippa, R.; Duffard, R.; Ditteon, R.; Feuerbach, M.; Fauvaud, S.; Garlitz, J.; Geier, S. Goncalves, R.; Grice, J.; Grześkowiak, I.; Hirsch, R.; Horbowicz, J.; Kamiński, K.; Kamińska, M. K.; Kim, D. -H.; Kim, M. -J.; Konstanciak, I.; Kudak, V.; Kulczak, P.; Maestre, J. L.; Manzini, F.; Marks, S.; Monteiro, F.; Ogłoza, W.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pilcher, F.; Perig, V.; Polakis, T.; Polińska, M.; Roy, R.; Sanabria, J. J.; Santana-Ros, T.; Skiff, B.; Skrzypek, J.; Sobkowiak, K.; Sonbas, E.; Thizy, O.; Trela, P.; Urakawa, S.; Żejmo, M.; Żukowski, K.: Thermal properties of slowly rotating asteroids: results from a targeted survey, 2019, A&A, 625, 139

Rimoldini, L.; Holl, B.; Audard, M.; Mowlavi, N.; Nienartowicz, K.; Evans, D. W.; Guy, L. P.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Marchal, O.; Roelens, M.; De Ridder, J.; Sarro, L. M.; Regibo, S.; Lopez, M.; Clementini, G.; Ripepi, V.; Molinaro, R.; Garofalo, A.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Juhász, Á.; Szabados, L.; Lebzelter, T.; Teyssier, D.; Eyer, L.: Gaia Data Release 2: All-sky classification of high-amplitude pulsating stars , 2019, A&A, 625, 97

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Variable stars in the colour-absolute magnitude diagram, 2019, A&A, 623, 110

Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Sódor, Á.; Jenei, D. I.; Kalup, Cs.; Bertone, E.; Chavez-Dagostino, M.; Montgomery, M. H.; Gyõrffy, Á.; Molnár, L.; Ollé, H.; Pápics, P. I.; Plachy, E.; Verebélyi, E.: Wandering near the red edge: photometric observations of three cool ZZ Ceti stars, 2019, MNRAS, 482, 4018

- 2018 -

Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Juhász, Á. L.; Rimoldini, L.: Gaia Data Release 2: Validation of the classification of RR Lyrae and Cepheid variables with the Kepler and K2 missions , 2018, A&A, 620, 127

Cseh, B.; Lugaro, M.; D'Orazi, V.; de Castro, D. B.; Pereira, C. B.; Karakas, A. I.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.; Pignatari, M.; Cristallo, S.: The s process in AGB stars as constrained by a large sample of barium stars, 2019, A&A, 620, 146

Pál, A.; Molnár, L.; Kiss, Cs..: TESS in the Solar System, 2018, PASP, 130, 114503

Vinkó, J.; Ordasi, A.; Szalai, T.; Sárneczky, K.; Bányai, E.; Bíró, I. B.; Borkovits, T.; Hegedüs, T.; Hodosán, G.; Kelemen, J.; Klagyivik, P.; Kriskovics, L.; Kun, E.; Marion, G. H.; Marschalkó, G.; Molnár, L.; Nagy, A. P.; Pál, A.; Silverman, J. M.; Szakáts, R.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Székely, P.; Szing, A.; Vida, K.; Wheeler, J. C.: Absolute Distances to Nearby Type Ia Supernovae via Light Curve Fitting Methods , 2018, PASP, 130, 064101

Holl, B., Audard, M., Nienartowicz, K.,... Molnár, L., ... et al.: Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the variability processing & analysis results , 2018, A&A, 618, 30

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties, 2018, A&A, 616, 1

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams, 2018, A&A, 616, 10

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics, 2018, A&A, 616, 11, 11

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way, 2018,A&A, 616, 12

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. Observations of solar system objects, 2018, A&A, 616, 13

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 2. The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF2), 2018, A&A, 616, 24

Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Sárneczky, K.; Szabó, R.; Vinkó, J.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Kiss, Cs.; Hanyecz, O.; Marton, G.; Kiss, L. L.: Main-belt asteroids in the K2 Uranus field, 2018, ApJS, 234, 37

Ábrahám, P.; Kóspál, Á.; Kun, M.; Fehér, O.; Zsidi, G.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Carnerero, M. I.; Garcia-Álvarez, D.; Moór, A.; Cseh, B.; Hajdu, G.; Hanyecz, O.; Kelemen, J.; Kriskovics, L.; Marton, G.; Mező, Gy.; Molnár, L.; Ordasi, A.; Rodriguez-Coira, G.; Sárneczky, K.; Sódor, Á.; Szakáts, R.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Szing, A.; Farkas-Takács, A.; Vida, K.; Vinkó, J.: An UXor among FUors: extinction related brightness variations of the young eruptive star V582 Aur, 2018, ApJ, 853, 28

Silvotti, R.; Schuh, S.; Kim, S. -L.; Lutz, R.; Reed, M.; Benatti, S.; Janulis, R.; Lanteri, L.; Ostensen, R.; Marsh, T. R.; Dhillon, V. S.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.: The sdB pulsating star V391 Peg and its putative giant planet revisited after 13 years of time-series photometric data, 2018, A&A, 611, 85

- 2017 -

Drury, J. A.; Murphy, S. J.; Derekas, A.; Sódor, Á.; Stello, D.; Kuehn, C. A.; Bedding, T. R.; Bognár, Zs.; Szigeti, L.; Szakáts, R.; Sárneczky, K.; Molnár, L.: Large amplitude change in spot-induced rotational modulation of the Kepler Ap star KIC 2569073, 2017, MNRAS, 471, 3193

Farkas-Takács, A.; Kiss, Cs.; Pál, A.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Hanyecz, O.; Sárneczky, K.; Szabó, R.; Marton, G.; Mommert, M.; Szakáts, R.; Müller, T.; Kiss, L. L.: Properties of the irregular satellite system around Uranus inferred from K2, Herschel and Spitzer observations, 2017, AJ, 154, 119

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 1. Testing the parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars, 2017, A&A, 605, 59

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 1. Open cluster astrometry: performance, limitations, and future prospects, 2017, A&A, 601, 19

Molnár, L.; Derekas, A.; Szabó, R.; Matthews, J. M.; Cameron, C.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Richardson, N. D.; Csák, B.; Dózsa, Á.; Reed, P.; Szabados, L.; Heathcote, B.; Bohlsen, T.; Cacella, P.; Luckas, P.; Sódor, Á.; Skarka, M.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Plachy, E.; Kovács, J.; Evans, N. R.; Kolenberg, K.; Collins, K. A.; Pepper, J.; Stassun, K. G.; Rodriguez, J. E.; Siverd, R. J.; Henden, A.; Mankiewicz, L.; Żarnecki, A. F.; Cwiek, A.; Sokolowski, M.; Pál, A.; Guenther, D. B.; Kuschnig, R.; Rowe, J.; Rucinski, S. M.; Sasselov, D.; Weiss, W. W.: V473 Lyr, a modulated, period-doubled Cepheid, and U TrA, a double-mode Cepheid observed by MOST, 2017, MNRAS, 466, 4009

Szabó, Gy. M.; Pál, A.; Kiss, Cs.; Kiss, L. L.; Molnár, L.; Hanyecz, O.; Plachy, E.; Sárneczky, K.; Szabó, R.: The heart of the swarm: K2 photometry and rotational characteristics of 56 Jovian Trojan asteroids, 2017, A&A, 599, 44

Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Jurkovic, M. I.; Smolec, R.; Moskalik, P. A.; Pál, A.; Szabados, L.; Szabó, R.: First observations of W Virginis stars with K2: detection of period doubling, 2017, MNRAS, 465, 173

Derekas, A.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Sódor, Á.; Benkõ, J. M.; Szabados, L.; Bognár, Zs.; Csák, B.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Szabó, R.; Pál, A. The Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg revisited: light curve modulation and detection of granulation, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1553

- 2016 -

Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.; Plachy, E.: Variable stars with the Kepler space telescope, 2016, JAAVSO, 44, 168

Gaia Collaboration: Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties, 2016, A&A, 595, 2

Gaia Collaboration: The Gaia mission, 2016, A&A, 595, 1

Szabó, R.; Pál, A.; Sárneczky, K.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Molnár, L.; Kiss, L. L.; Hanyecz, O.; Plachy, E.; Kiss, Cs.: Uninterrupted optical light curves of main-belt asteroids from the K2 Mission, 2016, A&A, 596, 40

Kóspál, Á.; Ábrahám, P.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Dunham, M. M.; García-Álvarez, D.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Kun, M.; Moór, A.; Farkas, A.; Hajdu, G.; Hodosán, G.; Kovács, T.; Kriskovics, L.; Marton, G.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Sárneczky, K.; Sódor, Á.; Szakáts, R.; Szalai, T.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Szing, A.; Tóth, I.; Vida, K.; Vinkó, J.: Multi-wavelength study of the low-luminosity outbursting young star HBC 722, 2016, A&A, 596, 52

Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Pápics, P. I.; Plachy, E.; Verebélyi, E.; Sódor, Á.: G 207-9 and LP 133-144: light-curve analysis and asteroseismology of two ZZ Ceti stars, 2016, MNRAS, 461, 4059

Molnár, L.; Juhász, Á. L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.: Metal-rich or misclassified? The case of four RR Lyrae stars, 2016, IBVS, 6175, 1

Vida, K.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Kriskovics, L.; Klagyivik, P.; Hajdu, T.; Kovács, O. E.; Szabó, R.: Spotted stars as Cepheid impostors observed with K2, 2016, IBVS, 6173, 1

Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Pápics, P. I.; Plachy, E.; Verebélyi, E., Sódor, Á.: G 207-9 and LP 133-144: light curve analysis and asteroseismology of two ZZ Ceti stars, 2016, MNRAS, 461, 4059

Dhungana, G.; Kehoe, R.; Vinkó, J.; Silverman, J. M.; Wheeler, J. C.; Marion, G. H.; Zheng, W.; Fox, O. D.; Akerlof, C.; Biró, B. I.; Borkovits, T.; Cenko, S. B.; Clubb, K. I.; Filippenko, A. V.; Ferrante, F. V.; Graham, M. L.; Hegedũs, T.; Kelly, P.; Kelemen, J.; Lee, W. H.; Marschalkó, G.; Molnár, L.; Nagy, A. P.; Ordasi, A.; Pál, A.; Sárneczky, K.; Shivvers, I.; Szakáts, R.; Szalai, T.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Székely, P.; Szing, A.; Takáts, K.; Vida, K.: Extensive Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Type IIP Supernova 2013ej, 2016, ApJ, 822, 6

Pál, A.; Müller, T. G.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.; Szabó, M. Gy.; Sárneczky, K.; Kiss, L. L.: Large size and slow rotation of the trans-Neptunian object (225088) 2007 OR10 discovered from Herschel and K2 observations, 2016, AJ, 151, 117

Kiss, Cs.; Pál, A.; Farkas-Takács, A. I.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Szabó, R.; Kiss, L. L.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; M üller, Th. G.; Mommert, M.; Stansberry, J.: Nereid from space: Rotation, size and shape analysis from Kepler/K2, Herschel and Spitzer observations, 2016, MNRAS, 457, 2908

- 2015 -

Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Plachy, E.; Ripepi, V.; Moretti, M. I.; Szabó, R.; Kiss, L. L.: Pushing the limits, episode 2: K2 observations of extragalactic RR Lyrae stars in the dwarf galaxy Leo IV, 2015, ApJ, 812, 2

Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.; Moskalik, P. A.; Nemec, J. M.; Guggenberger, E.; Smolec, R.; Poleski, R.; Plachy, E.; Kolenberg, K.; Kolláth, Z.: An RR Lyrae family portrait: 33 stars observed in Pisces with K2-E2, 2015, MNRAS, 452, 4283

Pál, A.; Szabó, R.; Szabó, M. Gy.; Kiss, L. L.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Kiss, Cs.: Pushing the limits: K2 observations of the trans-Neptunian objects 2002 GV31 and (278361) 2007 JJ43, 2015, ApJ, 804, L45

Kurtenkov, A. A.; Pessev, P.; Tomov, T.; Barsukova, E. A.; Fabrika, S.; Vida, K.; Hornoch, K.; Ovcharov, E. P.; Goranskij, V. P.; Valeev, A. F.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Kostov, A.; Nedialkov, P.; Valenti, S.; Geier, S.; Wiersema, K.; Henze, M.; Shafter, A. W.; Muñoz Dimitrova, R. V.; Popov, V. N.; Stritzinger, M.: The January 2015 outburst of a red nova in M 31, 2015, A&A, 578, L10

Moskalik, P.; Smolec, R.; Kolenberg, K.; Molnár, L.; Kurtz, D. W.; Szabó, R.; Benkõ, J. M.; Nemec, J. M.; Chadid, M.; Guggenberger, E.; Ngeow, C.-C.; Jeon, Y.-B.; Kopacki, G.; Kanbur, S. M.: Kepler photometry of RRc stars: peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling, 2015, MNRAS, 447, 2348

- 2014 -

Plachy, E.; Benkõ, J. M.; Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.: Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the Blazhko effect with the Kepler space telescope: the case of V783 Cyg, 2014, MNRAS, 445, 2810

Benkõ, J., Plachy, E., Szabó, R., Molnár, L., Kolláth, Z.: Long time-scale behavior of the Blazhko effect from rectified Kepler data, 2014, ApJS, 213, 31

Molnár, L.; Szabados, L.: V473 Lyrae, a unique second-overtone Cepheid with two modulation cycles
2014, MNRAS, 442, 3222

Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.: Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars in the K2 fields, 2014, IBVS, No. 6108

- 2013 -

Molnár, L.; Szabados, L.; Dukes, R. J., Jr.; Gyõrffy, Á.; Szabó, R.: Analysis of the possible Blazhko-effect Cepheid V473 Lyrae, 2013, AN, 334, 980

Plachy, E.; Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.: Low-dimensional chaos in RR Lyrae models, 2013, MNRAS, 433, 3590

Paparó, M.; Bognár, Zs.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Bradley, P. A.: Multimode pulsation of the ZZ Ceti star GD 154, 2013, MNRAS, 432, 598

Fu, J.-N.; Dolez, N.; Vauclair, G.; Fox-Machado, L.; Kim, S.-L.; Li, C.; Chen, L.; Alvarez, M.; Su, J.; Charpinet, S.; Chevreton, M.; Michel, R.; Yang, X. H.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y. P.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.: Asteroseismology of the ZZ Ceti star HS 0507+0434B, 2013, MNRAS, 429, 1585

- 2012 -

Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Szabó, R.; Plachy, E.: New results in RR Lyrae modeling: convective cycles, additional modes and more
2012, AN, 333, 950

Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Szabó, R.; Bryson, S.; Kolenberg, K., Mullally, F., Thompson, S. E.: Nonlinear Asteroseismology of RR Lyrae, 2012, ApJ, 757, L13

Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Szabó, R.: Can turbulent convective variations drive the Blazhko cycle? Dynamical investigation of the Stothers idea, 2012, MNRAS, 424, 31

Jurcsik, J.; Sódor, Á.; Hajdu, G.; Szeidl, B.; Dózsa, Á.; Posztobányi, K.; Smitola, P.; Belucz, B.; Fehér, V.; Kõvári, Zs.; Kriskovics, L.; Kun, E.; Molnár, L.; Nagy, I.; Vida, K.; Görög, N. Photometric study of the Blazhko star RZ Lyr, 2012, MNRAS, 423, 993

- 2011 -

Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.: Period doubling bifurcation and high-order resonances in RR Lyrae hydrodynamical models, 2011, MNRAS, 414, 1111

- 2010 -

Szabó, R.; Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.; Kolenberg, K.; Kurtz, D. W.; Bryson, S. T.; Benkõ, J. M.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Kjeldsen, H.; Borucki, W. J.; Koch, D.; Twicken, J. D.; Chadid, M.; Di Criscienzo, M.; Jeon, Y-B.; Moskalik, P.; Nemec, J. M.; Nuspl, J.: Does Kepler unveil the mystery of the Blazhko effect? First detection of period doubling in Kepler Blazhko RR Lyrae stars, 2010, MNRAS, 409, 1244

- 2009 -

Jurcsik, J.; Sódor, Á.; Szeidl, B.; Hurta, Zs.; Váradi, M.; Posztobányi, K.; Vida, K.; Hajdu, G.; Kõvári, Zs.; Nagy, I.; Molnár, L.; Belucz, B.: The Konkoly Blazhko Survey: Is light-curve modulation a common property of RRab stars?, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 1006

- 2008 -

Paparó, M.; Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Pápics, P. I.; Bognár, Zs.; Sztankó, N.; Kerekes, Gy.; Bokor, A. M.; Bokor, E.: Preliminary Results in White Dwarf Research by a New Group, 2008, CoAst, 154, 59.

- 2007 -

Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Már, A.; Kerekes, Gy.; Pápics, P.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Sztankó, N.; Bokor, E.: More frequencies of KUV 02464+3239, 2007, AN, 328, 845.

Conference proceedings

- 2024 -

Das, S.; Molnár, L.; Kanbur, S. M.; Joyce, M.; Bhardwaj, A.; Singh, H. P.; Marconi, M.; Ripepi, V.; Smolec, R.: A multi-wavelength analysis of BL Her stars: Models versus Observations, 2024, IAUS, 376, in press

- 2021 -

Moskalik, P.; Nemec, J. M.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.; Kolenberg, K.: K2 Observations of Galactic RRd Stars, 2021, Proceedings of "Physics of Oscillating Stars" (PHOST) conference, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2204575

Plachy, E.; Szabó, P.; Bódi, A.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.: Automated Extended Aperture Photometry for K2 RR Lyrae stars, 2021, ASPC, 529, in press

- 2018 -

Molnár, L.: RR Lyraes and Cepheids: the Photometric Revolution from Space, 2018, Proceedings of the RR Lyrae 2017 Conference, Proc. Polish Academy of Sciences, preprint: arXiv:1804.04079

Juhász, Á. L.; Molnár, L.: From PanSTARRS Candidates to New RR Lyraes in the K2 Mission, 2018, Proceedings of the RR Lyrae 2017 Conference, Proc. Polish Academy of Sciences, preprint: arXiv:1804.04079

Bódi, A.; Molnár, L., Plachy, E., Szabó, R.: Shockwave Behaviour in RR Lyrae Stars , 2018, Proceedings of the RR Lyrae 2017 Conference, Proc. Polish Academy of Sciences, preprint: arXiv:1804.04079

Rimoldini, L.; Eyer, L.; Mowlavi, N.; Evans, D. W.; Nienartowicz, K.; Holl, B.; Audard, M.; Guy, L. P.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Marchal, O.; Clementini, G.; Ripepi, V.; Garofalo, A.; Molinaro, R.; Muraveva, T.; Poretti, E.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E; Juhász, Á. L.; Szabados, L.; De Ridder, J.; Regibo, S.; Sarro Baro, L. M.; López del Fresno, M.: All-sky RR Lyrae Stars in the Gaia Data, 2018, Proceedings of the RR Lyrae 2017 Conference, Proc. Polish Academy of Sciences, preprint: arXiv:1804.04079

- 2017 -

Molnár, L.: The Keplerian revolution of variable stars, 2017, Proceedings of the 48th Conference on Variable Stars Research, OEJV, 0180, 41

Plachy, E.; Klagyivik, P.; Molnár, L.; Sódor, Á.; Szabó, R.: Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars, 2017, Proceedings of the Joint TASC2-KASC9-SPACEINN-HELAS8 Conference, EpJ WoC, 160, 04009, preprint: arXiv:1704.00289

Plachy, E.; Klagyivik, P.; Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.: A modulated RRd star observed by K2, 2017, Proceedings of the Joint TASC2-KASC9-SPACEINN-HELAS8 Conference, EPJ WoC, 160, 04010, preprint: arXiv:1704.00288

Molnár, L., Plachy, E., Klagyivik, P., Juhász, Á. L., Szabó, R., D'Alessandro, Z., Kratz, B., Ortega, J., Kanbur, S.: The additional-mode garden of RR Lyrae stars, Proceedings of Joint TASC2-KASC9-SPACEINN-HELAS8 Conference, 2017, EpJ WoC, 160, 04008, preprint: arXiv:1703.02420

Molnár, L., Pál, A., Plachy, E.: Cepheids with the eyes of photometric space telescopes, Proceedings of the 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference, 2017, EpJ WoC, 152, 02004

- 2016 -

Molnár, L.: The first decade of RR Lyrae space photometric observations, Proceedings of the "High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars" conference, 2016, CoKon, 105, 11

Plachy, E., Molnár, L., Szabó, R., Kolenberg, K., Bányai, E.: Target selection of classical pulsating variables for space-based photometry, Proceedings of the "High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars" conference, 2016, CoKon, 105, 19

Bányai, E., Plachy, E., Molnár, L., Dobos, L., Szabó, R.: Constraining RRc candidates using SDSS colours , Proceedings of the "High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars" conference, 2016, CoKon, 105, 195

Juhász, Á., Molnár, L., Plachy, E.: A preliminary study of the RR Lyrae stars observed in K2 Campaign 3, Proceedings of the "High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars" conference, 2016, CoKon, 105, 205

- 2015 -

Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Szabó, R.; Benkõ, J. M.: Classical variables in the era of space photometric missions, Proceedings of "The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting", 2015, EPJ WoC, 101, 06047

Plachy, E.; Benkõ, J. M.; Kolláth, Z.; Szabó, R., Molnár. L.: Dynamical investigation of modulated Kepler RR Lyrae stars, Proceedings of "The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting", 2015, EPJ WoC, 101, 06053

Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Sódor, Á.: Amplitude Modulation in the ZZ Ceti Star GD244, Proceedings of the "19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs", 2015, ASPC, 493, 245

- 2014 -

Molnár, L.; Benkõ, J. M.; Szabó, R.; Kolláth, Z.: Kepler RR Lyrae stars: beyond period doubling , Proceedings of the 301st IAU Symposium, "Precision Asteroseismology", 2014, IAUS, 301 459

Plachy, E.; Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Benkõ, J. M.; Kolenberg, K.: On the interchange of alternating-amplitude pulsation cycles , Proceedings of the 301st IAU Symposium, "Precision Asteroseismology", 2014, IAUS, 301 473

- 2013 -

Plachy, E.; Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.: Detection of chaos in RR Lyrae models , Proceedings of the "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series", 2013, ASSP, 31, Supp. Mat. P14

Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Szabó, R.: Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars , Proceedings of the "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series", 2013, ASSP, 31, 185

Szabó, R.; Kolláth, Z.; Molnár, L.; Kolenberg, K.; Kurtz, D. W.; WG#13 members: Period doubling in Kepler RR Lyrae stars, Proceedings of the "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series", 2013, ASSP, 31, 81

- 2012 -

Sódor, Á.; Jurcsik, J.; Molnár, L.; Szeidl, B.; Hurta, Zs.; Bakos, G. Á.; Hartman, J.; Béky, B.; Noyes, R. W.; Sasselov, D.; Mazeh, T.; Bartus, J.; Belucz, B.; Hajdu, G.; Kõvári, Zs.; Kun, E.; Nagy, I.; Posztobányi, K.; Smitola, P.; Vida K.: First Results of The Konkoly Blazhko Survey II, Proceedings of the 61st Fujihara seminar: "Progress in solar/stellar physics with helio- and asteroseismology", 2012, ASPC, 462, 228

- 2010 -

Fu, J.-N.; Dolez, N.; Vauclair, G.; Machado, L. Fox; Kim, S.-L.; Li, C.; Alvarez, M.; Su, J.; Chevreton, M.; Michel, R.; Yang, X. H.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y. P.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.: The ZZ Ceti star HS 0507+0434B revisited, Proceedings of the 17th European White Dwarf Workshop, 2010, AIPC, 1273, 516

Molnár, L; Kolláth, Z.: Linear period dependencies from free parameters in RR Lyrae models, in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010, JPhCS, Vol. 218, 012027

- 2009 -

R. Szabó, Z. Kolláth, L. Molnár, J. M. Benkõ; L. Szabados: Strange and low amplitude Cepheid candidates in the CoRoT observations, Proceedings of "Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation", 2009, AIPC, 1170, 102

Molnár, L.; Kolláth, Z.; Plachy, E.; Paparó, M.: Testing the stationarity of white dwarf light-curves, Proceedings of the 16th European White Dwarf Workshop, 2009, JPhCS, Vol. 172, 012080

Other publications

- Hungarian publications -

Molnár, L.; Kiss, L. L.; Szabó, R.: Kutatásra oktatva: a Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont Csillagászati Intézete hallgatói mentorprogramjának első öt éve, 2023, Magyar Tudomány, január
English translation: Educated towards research: the first five years of the undergraduate mentoring program at Konkoly Observatory

Molnár, L.: Van-e élet a Földön túl? Tudományos elképzelések és dilettáns ufológia, in: Krekó Péter, Falyuna Nóra: Sarlatánok kora, pp. 191-213, Athenaeum Kiadó

- Book chapters -

Kiss, Cs.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Howell, S. B.: The Solar System as Observed by K2, 2020, Chapter 5, The NASA Kepler Mission, ed.: Steve B. Howell, IOP Publishing

- Documentations and white papers -

Molnár, L.; Kalup, Cs.; Joyce, M.: Asteroseismic sounding of bulge globular clusters with the Roman Space Telescope, 2023, Roman White Papers 2023

The ET consortium: ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0, 2022, white paper

Eyer, L.; Guy, L.; Distefano, E.; Clementini, G.; Mowlavi, N.; Rimoldini, L.; Roelens, M.; Audard, M.; Holl, B.; Lanzafame, A.; Lebzelter, T.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Molnár, L.; Ripepi, V.; Sarro, L.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Nienartowicz, K.; De Ridder, J.; Juhász, Á.; Molinaro, R. Plachy, E.; Regibo, S.: Gaia DR2 documentation - Chapter 7: Variability, 2018, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium

Molnár, L.; Szabó, R.; Kolenberg, K.; Borkovits, T.; Antoci, V.; Vida, K.; Ngeow, C. C.; Guzik, J. A.; Plachy, E.; Castanheira, B.: The Kep-Cont Mission: Continuing the observation of high-amplitude variable stars in the Kepler field of view, 2013, a Kepler white paper

Szabó, R.; Molnár, L.; Kołaczkowski, Z.; Moskalik, P.; Ivezić, Ž.; Udalski, A.; Szabados, L.; Kuehn, C.; Smolec, R.; Pigulski, A.; Bedding, T.; Ngeow, C. C.; Guzik, J. A.; Ostrowski, J.; De Cat, P.; Antoci, V.; Borkovits, T.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Kozłowski, Sz.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Skowron, J.; Szczygieł, D.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Szymański, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Ulaczyk, K.; Plachy, E.; Schou, J.; Evans, N. R.; Kopaczki, G.: The Kepler-SEP Mission: Harvesting the South Ecliptic Pole large-amplitude variables with Kepler, 2013, a Kepler white paper

Guzik, J. A.; Bradley, P. A.; Szabó, R.; Molnár, L.; Pigulski, A.; Zwintz, K.; Ngeow, C-C.; Schou, J.; Handler, G.: Observing Open Clusters with a Sequence of Ages with Kepler, 2013, a Kepler white paper

- Research Notes, circulars, catalogs, etc. -

Molnár, L.; Joyce, M.; Leung, S-C.: Comment on the Feasibility of Carbon Burning in Betelgeuse, 2023, RNAAS, 7, 119

Barentsen, G.; Pál, A.; Sárneczky; K.; Molnár, L.: Observations of Minor Planets - C55 Kepler, 2017, MPC, 102428

Kurtenkov, A.; Tomov, T.; Fabrika, S.; Barsukova, E. A.; Valeev, A. F.; Pessev, P.; Vida, K.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Goranskij, V. P.; Hornoch, K.; Henze, M.; Shafter, A. W.; Ovcharov, E.; Nedialkov, P.; Kostov, A.; Valenti, S.; Stritzinger, M.: M31N 2015-01a - A Luminous Red Nova, 2015, ATel, No. 7150

Pál, A.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Csák, B.; Derekas, A.: Optical confirmation of ASASSN-14jv as a blue transient, 2014, ATel, No. 6680

Sárneczky, K.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Kelemen, J.; Kürti, S.: Minor Planet Observations [461 University of Szeged, Piszkestetõ Stn. (Konkoly)], 2012, MPC No. 77929, 7

Editorial work

Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010, JPhCS, Vol. 218, Editors: Emese Forgács-Dajka, Emese Plachy and László Molnár

Curriculum Vitae


- 2008-2011: Eötvös University, Physics Graduate School, Budapest, PhD in Physics (2014)
Thesis: Dynamical phenomena in RR Lyrae stars (Supervisor: Zoltán Kolláth)
- 2003-2008: Eötvös University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, MSc degree in Astronomy (2008)
MSc thesis: Detection of chaotic dynamics in variable star lightcurves (Supervisor: Zoltán Kolláth)
-2007: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany
- 1999-2003: Eötvös József High School, Tata - Science class

Employment history

- 2022-: senior research fellow, Konkoly Observatory, ELKH CSFK
- 2014-2022: research fellow, Konkoly Observatory, MTA CSFK/ELKH CSFK
- 2008-2014: junior research fellow, Konkoly Observatory, MTA CSFK

Professional experience

- 2021-2025: "SeismoLab - Asteroseismic laboratories", NKFIH Élvonal Research Grant (PI)
- 2019-2021: "Asteroseismology of cosmic lighthouses", MTA Premium Postdoctoral Research Grant
- 2018-2023: "Near-field cosmology with pulsating stars: a Petascale challenge", MTA Lendület grant (Co-I)
- 2018-2021: "The origin of the elements heavier than iron" NKFIH KH_18 grant (Co-I)
- 2016-2018: "Space photometric applications in the K2 mission", NKFIH PD postdoc grant
- 2015-2021: "Giant stars as drivers of cosmic chemistry" MTA Lendület grant (Co-I)
- 2015: Member of the PECS Konkoly Gaia group and DPAC CU7
- 2014-: Editor-in-chief, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
- 2013-2014: Teaching assistant at the Institute of Mathematics and Physics, University of West Hungary.
-2013-2014: "Extending the asteroseismic program of the Kepler space telescope" KTIA URKUT_10-1-2011-0019 grant (participant)
- 2013-2014: "Ég és Föld vonzásában-a természet titkai" TÁMOP-4.2.3-12/1/KONV-2012-0018 grant for science communication and education (participant)
- 2010-: Kepler Asteroseismic Consortium (KASC) member
- 2011-15: "Stellar oscillation studies with the Kepler space telescope: the micromagnitude revolution" OTKA K-83790 grant (participant)
- 2008-: Junior research fellow in the Konkoly Observatory (MTA young researcher). Supervisor: Dr. Kolláth Zoltán.
- 2008-: collaborator of the Konkoly Blazhko Survey, photometric observations with the automatic 60 cm telescope and the 1 m RCC telescope.
-2006-2008.: Student collaborator of HAG (Hungarian Asteroseismology Group), in the ESA-PECS programme "Pre-selection process of targets on COROT"-photometric observations, data reduction and analysis. Partially employed as research assistant.
- 2006-2008.: photometric observations of pulsating white dwarfs with the 1 m RCC telescope, data reduction and analysis among with other students.

Honors, Awards, Professional Visits

- 2023: Detre László Award, Eötvös Loránd Physics Association (ELFT)
- 2022 April: Visiting scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MA, USA (host: Dr. Meridith Joyce) - 2020: Stromlo Distinguished Visitor, ANU, Canberra (AUS) (awarded, cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
- 2019: Bolyai Plaque, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020: MTA CSFK Excellent Researcher award
- 2016: Prima Junior 2016 Award in Sciences
- 2015-2018: János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

- 2015. MTA Junior International Conference Grant
- 2013. Ányos Jedlik Scholarship for PhD Candidates, National Excellence Program (TÁMOP 4.2.4. A/2-11-1-2012-0001).
-2007. First prize at the National Scientific Conference for Students, Astrophysics section, shared with Péter Pápics.
- 2007. ERASMUS Scholarship at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany

Supervision of students and postdocs

- 2022-2024: Dr. Meridith Joyce, Widening Fellow (MSCA)
- 2019: Dr. Mónika Jurkovic, Belgrade Astronomical Observatory, Serbia, DOMUS postdoctoral visiting fellow

- 2022-2026: Rozália Ádám, PhD, Eötvös University
- 2022-2026: Csilla Kalup, PhD, Eötvös University
- 2019-2023: Adrienn Forró, PhD, Eötvös University (co-supervision)

- 2021-2022: Rozália Ádám, MSc, Eötvös University (co-supervision)
- 2019-2022: Csilla Kalup, MSc, Eötvös University
- 2015-2017: Áron Juhász, MSc, Eötvös University

- 2019: Imre Kuczmann, BSc, Eötvös University
- 2017: Attila Böröcz, BSc, Eötvös University
- 2015: Áron Juhász, BSc, Eötvös University

Conferences, workshops, seminars

- 2023 -

- MESA@Konkoly Summer School, 2023.08.28-09.01., Budapest - LOC Chair
- Petnica Summer Institute, Summer School on Astrophysics, Petnica, Serbia, 2023. 08. 03-12., invited lecture: "Introduction to asteroseismology"
- TASC7/KASC14 Workshop, 2023. 07. 17-21., Honolulu, HI, USA - invited talk: "Seismology of RR Lyrae and Cepheid stars: finally happening?"
- 11th T'DA Workshop, 2023. 05. 24-26., Budapest - organizer
- 30th Gaia CU7 Meeting, 2023. 05. 10-12., Naples, Italy
- IAU Symposium 376: At the cross-roads of astrophysics and cosmology: Period–luminosity relations in the 2020s, 2023. 04. 17-21. - posters, LOC member

- 2022 -

- RRL-Cep 2022 - Large-scale surveys as bridges between spectroscopy and photometry, 2022. 09. 26-30, La Palma, Spain - contributed talk: "RR Lyrae stars with TESS and Gaia: connections between mode content, colors and distances"
- TASC6/KASC13 Workshop, 2022. 07. 11-15., Leuven, Belgium - multiple posters:
"RR Lyrae stars with TESS and Gaia: connections between mode content, colors and distances"
"The census of weird variable stars in M80, from RR Lyraes to extreme horizontal branch and blue straggler stars"
- EAS2022 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, 2022. 06. 27.-07. 01., Valencia, Spain - multiple posters
- RR Lyrae Stars, Galactic Structure and Chemistry - A meeting to celebrate the 90+ years of George W. Preston, III, 2022. 06. 10-11., Pasadena (USA), hybrid - invited talk: "Recent and upcoming results from the Kepler, TESS and Gaia missions" (video)
- STScI Stellar Populations meeting, 2022. 04. 21, STScI, Baltimore - invited seminar: "Pulsating stars through the lenses of space-based photometry and astrometry"

- 2021 -

- Star Clusters: the Gaia Revolution - MW-Gaia workshop, 2021. 10. 05-07., online conference
- TESS Science Conference II, 2021. 08. 02-06., online conference - online poster/poster talk: Molnár et al.: A comprehensive look at RR Lyrae stars through high-precision photometry and astrometry
- EAS2021 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, 2021. 06. 28.-07.02., online conference

- 2020 -

- Europlanet Science Congress 2020 - 2020. 09. 21.-10.09., online conference - posters
- EAS2020 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, 2020. 06. 29.-07.03., online conference - Molnár et al: The anomalous Cepheid needles in the RR Lyrae haystack (poster)

- 2019 -

- 9th TESS Data for Asteroseismology Workshop, 2019. 10. 28.-11. 01., Honolulu, HI, USA
- RRL/Cep 2019 Conference, 2019. 10. 13-18., Cloudcroft, NM, USA - SOC member - contributed talk: "Additional modes and echelle diagrams for RR Lyraes: towards asteroseismic inferences"
- Stars and Their Variability, Observed from Space, 2019. 08. 19-23., Bécs, Austria - posters
- TESS Science Conference I, 2019. 07. 29-08. 02., Cambridge, MA, USA - posters
- TASC5/KASC12 Workshop, 2019. 07. 22-26., Cambridge, MA, USA - SOC member - poster talk: "Asteroids in K2 and TESS - your noise can be a signal"
- 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, 2019. 06. 29-07. 05., Lindau, Germany
- 8th TESS Data for Asteroseismology Workshop, 2019. 01. 21-25., Aarhus, Denmark

- 2018 -

- 25th Gaia DPAC Coordination Unit 7 Workshop, 2018. 12. 14-16, Paris (France) - contributed talk: "Possibilities to validate pulsating star candidates with TESS and Kepler"
- 6th TESS Data for Asteroseismology Workshop - Stellar classification with TESS: preparing for the first science data, 2018. 11. 05-09, Leuven (Belgium)
- ESO Workshop: A Revolution in Stellar Physics with Gaia and Large Surveys, 2018. 09. 03-07, Warsaw (Poland) - posters
- TESS Data for Asteroseismology workshop (T'DA) 4 - Preparing for first light, 2018. 07. 15-18., Aarhus (DK)
- TASC4/KASC11 Workshop - First Light in a new Era of Astrophysics, 2018. 07. 08-13., Aarhus (DK) - poster talk: "Extending asteroseismology to extragalactic Cepheids"

- 2017 -

- TESS Data for Asteroseismology workshop (T'DA) 3 - Stellar Classification with TESS, 2017. 12. 06-08., Leuven (B)
- 24th meeting of the Gaia DPAC CU7, 2017. 11. 29.-12. 01., Leiden (NL) - talk: "Validating RR Lyraes and Cepheids with Kepler data"
- The RR Lyrae 2017 Conference - Revival of Classical Pulsators, 2017. 09. 17-21., Niepolomice (PL) - invited talk: "Letters from the revolution: how are space telescopes changing our views of stars"
- TASC3/KASC10 Workshop - TESSting Stellar Astrophysics, 2017. 07. 16-21., Birmingham (UK) - poster talk: "The K2 RR Lyrae and Cepheid Survey: Hunting for pulsating variables near and far"
- Kepler & K2 Science Conference IV, 2017.06.19.23., NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (USA) contributed talk: "The K2 RR Lyrae and Cepheid Survey: Hunting for pulsating variables near and far"
- TESS Data for Asteroseismology workshop (T'DA) 2 - Producing light curves and classifying stars, 2017. 04. 18-21., Aarhus (DK)

- 2016 -

- 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference Series Meeting - wide-field variability surveys: a 21st-century perspective, 2016. 11. 28-12.02., San Pedro de Atacama (CL) - contributed talk: "Cepheid in the eyes of photometric space telescopes"
- 48th Conference of Variable Star Research, 2016. 11. 11-13., Prague (CZ) - invited talk: "The Keplerian revolution of variable stars"
- TESS Data for Asteroseismology workshop (T'DA) 1 - From Pixels to Light Curves, 2016. 10. 31-11. 02., Birmingham (UK)
- 2nd BRITE-Constellation Science Conference: Small satellites - big science, 2016. 08. 22-26., Innsburck (A) - poster talk: "The MOST view of Cepheids"
-Joint TASC2 & KASC9 Workshop - SPACEINN & HELAS8 Conference - Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016, 2016. 07. 11-15, Angra do Heroísmo, Azores (PT) - multiple posters

- 2015 -

- High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars, 2015. 10. 19-22. Visegrád (H) - invited talk: "Tales from the unblinking eyes - The first decade of RR Lyrae space photometric observations"
- Science with BRITE-Constellation: initial results, 2015. 09. 14-18. Gdansk (PL)
- Chaos among the stars? New Approaches to Variable Stars from Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015. 08. 17-19. Honolulu, H (USA) - invited talk: "Modeling stellar pulsations (mostly correctly)
- MESA Summer School, 2015. 08. 10-14, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- KASC8/TASC1 Workshop: Space Asteroseismology: The Next Generation, 2015. 06. 15-19. Aarhus (DK)- multiple posters

- 2014 -

- FIKUT VII. - 7th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophyics, 2014. 09. 17-19, Budapest - SOC/LOC member - talk: "Pulzáló változók, közel és távol, a K2-vel"
- CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting, 2014. 07. 6-11. Toulouse (F) - poster: "Classical variables in the era of space photometric missions"

- 2013 -

- 301st IAU Symposium: Precision Asteroseismology, 2013. 08. 19-23. Wrocław (PL) - talk: "Cepheids and the Blazhko-effect: A comprehensive analysis of V473 Lyrae"
- 6th Kepler Asteroseismology Workshop: A New Era of Stellar Astrophysics with Kepler, 2013. 07. 23-28. Sydney (AU) - talk: "Kepler RR Lyrae stars: beyond period doubling"

- 2012 -

- 6th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophyics, 2012. 09. 03-06. Budapest (H) - talk: "Blazhko-effect in Cepheids too? First results on V473 Lyr"
- 5th Kepler Asteroseismology Workshop: Extending the Kepler Mission: New Horizons in Asteroseismology, 2012. 07. 19-22. Balatonalmádi (H) - talk: "The prospects of nonlinear asteroseismology in RR Lyrae stars"
-The Modern Era of Helio- and Asteroseismology, 2012. 05. 20-25. Obergurgl (A) - talk: "New results in RR Lyrae modeling: convective cycles, additional modes, and more"

- 2011 -

- 20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series, 2011. 09. 05-09. Granada (E) - talk: "Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars"

- 2010 -

- 3rd Kepler Asteroseismology Workshop: Kepler Asteroseismology in Action, 2010. 06. 14-18. Aarhus (DK) - talk: "Period doubling bifurcation in RR Lyrae pulsation models"

- 2009 -

- 5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophyics, 2009. 09. 02-04. Budapest (H) - SOC/LOC member - talk: "A turbulens konvekció modulációjának hatása a csillagpulzációra"

- 2007 -

- First Hungarian - Polish Student Space Conference, 2007. 09. 06-07. Budapest (H) - talk: "Scientific preparatory work to CoRoT in Hungary"
- Hungarian CoRoT Day, 2007. 03. 12. Budapest (H) - talk: "HD 44195: a hybrid star with Delta Scuti and Gamma Doradus character"

Personal Data

Birth date: 1985. 01. 24.
Birth place: Tata, Hungary
Citizenship: Hungarian
Married, one child


Email: molnar.laszlo(at) or
Office phone: +36-1-3919-335
Address: Konkoly Observatory, MTA CSFK, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
Room no. 224