Publikációs jegyzék

Illés Erzsébet ADS könyvtár
Illés Erzsébet MTMT adatok
Almár Iván ADS könyvtár
Almár Iván MTMT adatok

Illés Erzsébet kandidátusi disszertáció csatolt jegyzéke

Az alábbi jegyzék kiegészítés az online elérhető publikációkhoz, de nem teljes !
Mivel Illés Erzsébet és Almár Iván publikáció ezen a kutatási területen a közös munka miatt sok átfedést mutatnak és szorosan kapcsolódnak, ezért nem választottuk szét azokat.

  1. A North-South Asymmetry in Thermospheric Density,
    Illés E., Almár I.

  2. Motivation for an Additional New Index of Solar Activity in Upper Atmospheric Models,
    Illés, E., Almár I., Horváth A., Borza T., (1984)

  3. Effect of Geomagnetic Storms on Thermospheric Neutral Density and Wave Activity,
    Almár I., Illés E., Bencze P.

  4. Low Latitude Thermospheric Heating in Geometrically Disturbed Periods: Dynamical or Particle Heating,
    Bencze P., Almár I., Illés E.

  5. Solitary neutral density waves of large amplitude in the thermosphere. Effect of meteor trails?,
    Bencze P., Illés E., Almár I.

  6. On the coupling between the neutral upper atmosphere, ionosphere and inner magnetosphere,
    Bencze P., Illés E., Almár I.

  7. Separation of the atmospheric geomagnetic effect of auroral and ring current origin on the basis of their diurnal course,
    Illés E.

  8. Seasonal dependence of the north-south asymmetry in the neutral upper-atmosphere,
    Illés E.

  9. Ring current: an additional heat source for the neutral upper-atmosphere,
    Illés E.

  10. Wave like fluctuations of the total neutral density of amplitude increasing with altitude in the upper thermosphere,
    Bencze P., Illés E.

  11. Connection between the total intensity of a geomagnetic storm and the corresponding air-density fluctuation,
    Almár I., Horváth A., Illés E.

  12. Spatial and temporal variation of acoustic gravity waves and sudden impulse-like neutral density changes in the thermosphere,
    Illés E., Bencze P., Almár I.

  13. Separation of the atmospheric geomagnetic effect of auroral and ring current origin on the basis of their diurnal course II.,
    Illés E.

  14. Atmospheric effects on Earth satellites,
    Almár I.

  15. Solitary, Giant Density-waves in the Thermosphere,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P.

  16. Study of the abrupt amplitude increase of total neutral density fluctuations with height in the thermosphere,
    Bencze P., Almár I., Illés E.

  17. North-south asymmetry in the thermosphere and ionosphere,
    Bencze P., Almár I., Illés E.

  18. Wave-Like Variations and Sudden Density Decreases in the Lower Thermosphere as Measured by San Marco V Satellite,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Laneve G.

  19. Preliminary Analysis of INTEROBS Programme Observations,
    Ill M., Almár I.

  20. Diurnal dependence of the geomagnetic effect in the upper atmosphere,
    Illés E., almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A., Kolláth Z.

  21. Representation of the geomagnetic effect in the upper atmosphere at low latitudes by means of the Ost index,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A.

  22. Neutral density depletions attributed to plasma bubbles,
    Illés E., Almár I.

  23. Investigation of the density wave activity in the thermosphere above 220 km,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P.

  24. Investigation and modelling of an improved geomagnetic term for the CIRA '86 model at low latitudes,
    Almár I., Illés E., Horváth A., Kelemen J., Bisikalo D.V., Kasimenko T.V.

  25. A new geomagnetic term for the CIRA '86 model at low latitudes,
    Almár I., Illés E., Horváth A., Bisikalo D.V.

  26. Observational results hinting at the coupling of the thermosphere with the inosphere/magnetosphere system and with the middle atmosphere,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P.

  27. Ring current heating of the low latitude thermosphere connected with geomagnetic disturbances,
    Bencze P., Almár I., Illés E.

  28. Similar behaviour of the thermosphere and the ionosphere in the recovery phase of geomagnetic disturbances,
    Illés E. Almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A., Jakowski N., Jungstand A.

  29. Improvement of the MSIS 86 and DTM thermospheric models by investigating the geomagnetic effect,
    Almár I., Illés E., Horváth A., Kolláth Z., Bisikalo D.V., Kasimenko V.

  30. On a possible ring current effect in the density of the neutral upper atmosphere,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A.

  31. Investigation of the thermosphere-ionosphere interaction by means of the neutral post-storm effect,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A.

  32. Two distinct sources of magnetospheric heating in the atmosphere: the aura and the ring current,
    Illés E.

  33. Weather reacting to geomagnetic storms,
    Illés E.

  34. Wave-Like Variations and Sudden Density Decreases in the Lower Thermosphere as Measured by the San Marco V Satellite,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Laneve G.

  35. Similar behaviour of the thermosphere and ionosphere in the recovery phase of geomagnetic disturbances,
    Illés E., Almár I., Bencze P., Horváth A., Jakowski N., Jungstand A.

  36. The semi-annual thermosphere density variation between 300-560 km,
    Sehnal L., Vykutilová M., Illés E., Horváth A., Helali Y.E.,Tawadrous M.Y.

  37. Period changes of the sateelite 1960 Epsilon 3 in 1963/64 as deduced from observations within the INTEROBS program
    Illés E., Almár I.

  38. New results concerning the geomagnetic effect in the upper atmosphere
    Almár I., Horváth A.,Illés E.

  39. Wave like fluctuations of the total neutral density of amlitude increasing with altitude in the upper thermosphere
    Bencze P., Illés E., Almár I.

  40. Is there any "after effect" in density variations of the neutral atmosphere?
    Illés E.,Bencze P., Marcz F.

  41. Investigation of the 27-day periodicity in thermospheric density fluctuations
    Illés E.

  42. An "equivalent duration" to characterize atmospheric disturbances connected with geomagnetic storms
    Almár I., Illés E.

  43. Analysis of the 27-days fluctuation of the thermospheric density
    Illés E.

  44. Periodenanderungen des Satelliten 1960 epsilon 3 im Jahre 1963/64, bestimmt aus den Beobachtungen des INTEROBS Programms
    Illés E., Almár I.

  45. An analysis of the altitude dependence of the geomagnetic effect by means of "equivalent durations"
    Almár I.,Illés E.

  46. Decay rates of three satellites in 1971 determined from observations of the programme "ATMOSPHERE"
    Illés E.

  47. Analysis of the Atmospheric Drag of the Echo 1 Satellite using the PERLO Orbital Period Determination Program
    Almár I., Horváth A., Illés E.

  48. Nabljugyenija iszkusztvennuh szputnikov zemlji
    Horváth A.