General Information

Currency/change money

The Hungarian currency is called the forint and is abbreviated to HUF (or Ft in Hungarian). The current exchange rates for forint are around: EUR/HUF 329-330, USD/HUF 297-298, JPY/HUF 2.81-2.82. However, the exchange rates are changing time to time, so is better to check them before you change your money. Changing money at the airport and at Budapest hotels is not advisable since their rates are typically higher. Nevertheless, the easiest way to change money is to use the cashpoint (ATM) at the baggage claim area at the airport while you wait for your luggage.
You can find more detailed information about topics on these web pages:

Hungarian Currency - Money Change
8 things you need to know about the hungarian forint

If you want you can avoid cash money since credit card and EC card are widely accepted - even by most taxi drivers. Just ask if they have the technical equipment for this payment method and please check with your bank that your cards are unlocked for international payment!


Electricity in Hungary is 230V, with a frequency of 50Hz. Plugs are 2-pin and therefore adapters are required for 3-pin appliances.