HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute

The Observatory's Research Assistant (or Demonstrator) Program provides one or two semester long research fellowships for BSc and MSc students. The program, which has been running since 2017, has three categories: observations and data processing; numerical astrophysics; and engineering. Research assistants can choose a project and supervisor from the recommended research topics. (However, the position is not a prerequisite for research work at the observatory.) Calls are published in September each year, after the start of the academic year.


Latest calls

  • classical observations and data processing
  • numerical astrophysics
  • engineering

Application deadline: 21st September, 2023, midnight.

The program is coordinated by László Molnár and Csilla Kalup. For further information, please contact them or Director Róbert Szabó.


Results of the research assistant program

A list of articles authored by our research assitants is available in the ADS bibliographic database. The list includes all articles published during the application or in the two years following the application.



Hallgatók a kutatásban: öt éves a Csillagászati Intézet demonstrátor programja (short article in Hungarian) 


Molnár, Kiss, Szabó: Educated towards research: the first five years of the undergraduate mentoring program at Konkoly Observatory (originally published in Hungarian in Magyar Tudomány, 2023/01)