HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute


Konkoly researcher among the Forbes 30/30
Konkoly researcher among the Forbes 30/30
2025. february 28.
Our graduate student researcher, Csilla Kalup, has been included in the 2025 edition of Forbes magazine's 30 successful Hungarians under 30 list.
Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring
Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring
Kovács András, Tudományos munkatárs
2025. february 10.
Euclid, the European Space Agency’s dark Universe detective, has made an astonishing discovery – right in our cosmic backyard.
Starspot activity of the red giant XX Trianguli indicate non-periodic, chaotic dynamo
Starspot activity of the red giant XX Trianguli indicate non-periodic, chaotic dynamo
2024. december 04.
Spectacular movie showing 16 years of starspot evolution.
Nuclear physicists and astrophysicists have measured the time scale of the Sun's birth
Nuclear physicists and astrophysicists have measured the time scale of the Sun's birth
2024. november 14.
Have you ever wondered how long it took for our Sun to form within its stellar nursery?
GEOASTRONOMY: Bridging Earth and the Cosmos to Understand Rocky Exoplanets
GEOASTRONOMY: Bridging Earth and the Cosmos to Understand Rocky Exoplanets
2024. november 05.
A total of €571 million in funding has been awarded to fifty-seven research groups to tackle some of the most complex scientific problems, spanning a wide range of disciplines.
EuroHPC User Day 2024: Awards Session to Celebrate Excellence in HPC and AI
EuroHPC User Day 2024: Awards Session to Celebrate Excellence in HPC and AI
2024. october 23.
The Best HPC User award was presented to Dr. Ramon Brasser from the Konkoly Observatory at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences in Budapest, Hungary.
Betelgeuse and Betelbuddy? Red supergiant in Orion likely has a stellar companion
Betelgeuse and Betelbuddy? Red supergiant in Orion likely has a stellar companion
CSFK / Jane Beaufore
2024. october 21.
New results from HUN-REN CSFK researchers and their US colleagues suggest that the six-year light variations of Betelgeuse may be caused by a previously unknown companion star.
László Detre died 50 years ago
László Detre died 50 years ago
József Benkő / Róbert Szabó
2024. october 10.
On 15 October, it will be 50 years since the death of László Detre, who was the director of our institute for 31 years and a leading figure in Hungarian astronomy.