HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute

New Discovery

Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring
Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring
Kovács András, Tudományos munkatárs
2025. february 10.
Euclid, the European Space Agency’s dark Universe detective, has made an astonishing discovery – right in our cosmic backyard.
Starspot activity of the red giant XX Trianguli indicate non-periodic, chaotic dynamo
Starspot activity of the red giant XX Trianguli indicate non-periodic, chaotic dynamo
2024. december 04.
Spectacular movie showing 16 years of starspot evolution.
Nuclear physicists and astrophysicists have measured the time scale of the Sun's birth
Nuclear physicists and astrophysicists have measured the time scale of the Sun's birth
2024. november 14.
Have you ever wondered how long it took for our Sun to form within its stellar nursery?
Betelgeuse and Betelbuddy? Red supergiant in Orion likely has a stellar companion
Betelgeuse and Betelbuddy? Red supergiant in Orion likely has a stellar companion
CSFK / Jane Beaufore
2024. october 21.
New results from HUN-REN CSFK researchers and their US colleagues suggest that the six-year light variations of Betelgeuse may be caused by a previously unknown companion star.
The Evolution of the Trappist-1 Planetary System
The Evolution of the Trappist-1 Planetary System
2024. september 04.
New work suggests how the seven exoplanets that make up the Trappist-1 system came to have their present configuration.
Sleeping giant surprises Gaia scientists
Sleeping giant surprises Gaia scientists
2024. april 22.
Wading through the wealth of data from ESA’s Gaia mission, scientists found a massive, dormant black hole. With a mass of nearly 33 times that of the Sun, this is the largest black hole of stellar origin known so far within the Milky Way.
162 minutes from discovery until impact
162 minutes from discovery until impact
László Molnár
2024. january 23.
Krisztián Sárneczky has discovered another tiny asteroid heading straight for Earth with the Schmidt telescope in Piszkéstető. The demise of 2024 BX1 was observed later that night above Europe.
How do you weigh a star? Masses of RR Lyrae stars revealed through their pulsations
How do you weigh a star? Masses of RR Lyrae stars revealed through their pulsations
2023. september 08.
Measuring the masses of stars is not always easy, and for the RR Lyrae-type variable stars, in particular, there has been no good way to do this. Our researchers are the first to determine the masses of such stars using seismic models.