Wading through the wealth of data from ESA’s Gaia mission, scientists found a massive, dormant black hole. With a mass of nearly 33 times that of the Sun, this is the largest black hole of stellar origin known so far within the Milky Way.
At least one in a dozen stars show evidence of planetary ingestion according to a paper published in Nature today, and co-authored by Konkoly researcher Dr. Meridith Joyce.
The European Space Agency has presented an analysis of more than 68,000 articles on astronomy, planetary science and heliophysics, which shows that Hungarian astronomers have the best conversion rate of all ESA members relative to financial contributions.
A radio transmitter on a space probe can do more than just communicate and send data home. With the right expertise, it also provides radio astronomers with an excellent opportunity to carry out original scientific measurements.
ESA's Gaia mission released a goldmine of knowledge about our galaxy and beyond. Four hundred scientists worked on the mission’s latest ‘focused product release’ (FPR), with the active involvement of eight researchers from the Observatory.
Measuring the masses of stars is not always easy, and for the RR Lyrae-type variable stars, in particular, there has been no good way to do this. Our researchers are the first to determine the masses of such stars using seismic models.