HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute


WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
Szabó Róbert
2023. december 26.
The WEAVE multiobject spectrograph was inaugurated at La Palma on the 30th of October, 2023. The CSFK Konkoly Observatory is a consortium member of this revolutionary instrument, and provided engineering work to complete the design of the hardware.
Students on the stage: TDK 2023
Students on the stage: TDK 2023
László Molnár
2023. december 19.
The observatory hosted the ELTE Astronomy TDK conference the second year in a row, at which 17 undergraduate students presented their scientific results.
CSFK participation in preparing for the ultra-precise positional measurements of the European JUICE spacecraft en route to Jupiter
CSFK participation in preparing for the ultra-precise positional measurements of the European JUICE spacecraft en route to Jupiter
Sándor Frey
2023. december 19.
A radio transmitter on a space probe can do more than just communicate and send data home. With the right expertise, it also provides radio astronomers with an excellent opportunity to carry out original scientific measurements.
Detective work with Cheops: exploring a unique exoplanetary system
Detective work with Cheops: exploring a unique exoplanetary system
Ádám Boldog
2023. december 05.
No fewer than six planets are orbiting the star HD110067 in perfect harmony. Multiple Hungarian researchers contributed to the discovery.
Magical display of northern lights over Hungary
Magical display of northern lights over Hungary
László Molnár
2023. november 07.
There was no such precedent for twenty years. Our cameras and staff in Piszkéstető captured the magical spectacle.
Ariel Consortium Meeting in Budapest
Ariel Consortium Meeting in Budapest
Szabó Róbert
2023. november 02.
The consortium meeting of ESA’s exoplanet atmosphere characterizing Ariel mission attracted 300 participants. The meeting was held in Budapest between 24-27 October 2023. One of the main organizers was Konkoly Observatory.
New Gaia release reveals rare lenses, half a million more stars, and unforeseen science
New Gaia release reveals rare lenses, half a million more stars, and unforeseen science
2023. october 18.
ESA's Gaia mission released a goldmine of knowledge about our galaxy and beyond. Four hundred scientists worked on the mission’s latest ‘focused product release’ (FPR), with the active involvement of eight researchers from the Observatory.
Konkoly researchers at the LSST@EU5 conference in Croatia
Konkoly researchers at the LSST@EU5 conference in Croatia
Szabó Róbert
2023. october 15.
The fifth European LSST conference was organized in Poreč, Croatia between 25-29 September 2023. Many Hungarian institutions were represented at the event including the Konkoly Observatory of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.