HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute


WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
Szabó Róbert
2023. december 26.
The WEAVE multiobject spectrograph was inaugurated at La Palma on the 30th of October, 2023. The CSFK Konkoly Observatory is a consortium member of this revolutionary instrument, and provided engineering work to complete the design of the hardware.
Students on the stage: TDK 2023
Students on the stage: TDK 2023
László Molnár
2023. december 19.
The observatory hosted the ELTE Astronomy TDK conference the second year in a row, at which 17 undergraduate students presented their scientific results.
Magical display of northern lights over Hungary
Magical display of northern lights over Hungary
László Molnár
2023. november 07.
There was no such precedent for twenty years. Our cameras and staff in Piszkéstető captured the magical spectacle.