HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute
ARIEL Consortium Workshop (24-27 Oct 2023)

The 2023 fall Ariel Consortium Meeting will be hosted jointly by Konkoly Observatory and the Gothard Astrophysical Observatory of the Eötvös University.

The meeting will be held between October 24-27, 2023, in Budapest, Hungary, and the meeting venue will be Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill (Krisztina krt. 41-43., H-1013 Budapest)

For more information please visit the website:

MESA@Konkoly Summer School Program (Hotel Benczúr, 28 Aug – 1 Sept 2023)

Following 11 years of MESA Summer Schools in Santa Barbara, we present MESA@Konkoly, the first MESA Summer School in Europe. Participants will gain familiarity with the open-source stellar evolution software instrument MESA and learn how to make better use of it in their own astrophysics research though extensive hands-on labs and constant interaction with MESA developers and other experienced users.

11th VLTI Interferometry School (Hotel Benczúr, Budapest, 12-17 June 2023)

TESS Data dor Asteroseismology (T'DA) Workshop Budapest (Konkoly Observatory, 24-26 May 2023)

The TESS Data for Asteroseismology (T'DA) workshop series focused on developing a TESS pipeline optimized for asteroseismology by bringing together people from across TASC to brainstorm, compare, and implement ideas for data preparation.

International Spring School – Modern methods of cosmic distance determination (Konkoly Observatory, 12-15 April 2023)

A Spring School connected to the 376th IAU Symposium held in Budapest right after the school.

GRBAlpha workshop (Konkoly Observatory, 5-6 April 2023)