HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute

Conferences and events

WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
WEAVE inauguration ceremony at La Palma
Szabó Róbert
2023. december 26.
The WEAVE multiobject spectrograph was inaugurated at La Palma on the 30th of October, 2023. The CSFK Konkoly Observatory is a consortium member of this revolutionary instrument, and provided engineering work to complete the design of the hardware.
Ariel Consortium Meeting in Budapest
Ariel Consortium Meeting in Budapest
Szabó Róbert
2023. november 02.
The consortium meeting of ESA’s exoplanet atmosphere characterizing Ariel mission attracted 300 participants. The meeting was held in Budapest between 24-27 October 2023. One of the main organizers was Konkoly Observatory.
Konkoly researchers at the LSST@EU5 conference in Croatia
Konkoly researchers at the LSST@EU5 conference in Croatia
Szabó Róbert
2023. october 15.
The fifth European LSST conference was organized in Poreč, Croatia between 25-29 September 2023. Many Hungarian institutions were represented at the event including the Konkoly Observatory of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.
First MESA  Summer School held in Europe a great success
First MESA Summer School held in Europe a great success
László Molnár
2023. september 25.
50 students from around the world attended the school to learn how to use the world's leading software suite for modeling stellar evolution.