1. |
Illes-Almar E. Almar I. Bencze P. Observational results hinting at the coupling of the thermosphere with the ionosphere-magnetosphere system and with the middle atmosph. Adv. Space Res. / Issue: 18 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 45 #: 825 |
2. |
Bumba, V. Klvana, M. Kalman, B. Garcia, A. The 1991 southern complex of activity. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. / Issue: 117 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 291 #: 836 |
3. |
Bumba, V. Klvana, M. Kalman, B. Doppler and proper motions accompanying formation of an additional magnetic flux in the mature solar active region (NOAA 7216) Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. / Issue: 118 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 35 #: 837 |
4. |
Bumba, V. Klvana, M. Kalman, B. The role of magnetic and motion field singularities in the development of active regions and their flaring activities. / JOSO Annual Report 1995 Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 143 #: 838 |
5. |
Grandpierre, A. A Pulsating-Ejecting Solar Core Model and the Solar Neutrino Problem Astron. Astrophys. / Issue: 308 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 199 #: 839 |
6. |
Balazs, L.G. Garibjanyan, A.T. Mirzoyan, L.V. Hambaryan, V.V. Medium resolution spectroscopy of the H€ objects in IC1396 Astron. Astrophys. / Issue: 311 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 145 #: 841 |
7. |
Martin, E.L. Kun, M. Spectroscopy of possible H€ emission stars in regions of high latitude molecular clouds Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. / Issue: 116 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 467 #: 842 |
8. |
Kun, M. Star formation in the Cepheus Flare molecular clouds / The role of dust in the formation of stars Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 113 #: 843 |
9. |
Almar, I. Small Countries Small Satellites / Proceedings of a Workshop of the IAA Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 844 |
10. |
Almar, I. Illes-Almar, E. Horvath, A. Bisikalo, D. A new geomagnetic term for the CIRA'86 model at low latitudes Adv. Space Res. / Issue: 18 No: 9 Year: 1996 Page: 371 #: 845 |
11. |
Almar, I. Illes-Almar, E. Horvath, A. Kelemen, J. Investigation and modelling of an improved geomagnetic term for the CIRA'86 model at low latitudes Adv. Space Res. / Issue: 18 No: 9 Year: 1996 Page: 375 #: 846 |
12. |
Balla, K. Benko, J.M. The diamagnetic Coulomb problem at high field strength. Numerical analysis J. of Phys. A / Issue: 29 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 6747 #: 847 |
13. |
Benko, J.M. Schrodinger equation of the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields / Aspects of spectral theory Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 21 #: 848 |
14. |
vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Schmieder, B. Cauzzi, G. Mein, N. X-Ray Bright Point Flares Due to Magnetic Reconnection Solar Phys. / Issue: 163 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 145 #: 849 |
15. |
Schmieder, B. Heinzel, P. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Lemen, J.R. Post-Flare Loops of 26 June 1992: II. Gradual Evolution of Cool and Hot Loops Solar Phys. / Issue: 165 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 303 #: 850 |
16. |
Leka, K.D. Canfield, R.C. McClymont, A.N. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Evidence for Current-Carrying Emerging Flux Astrophys. Journal / Issue: 462 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 547 #: 851 |
17. |
Manoharan, P.K. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Pick, M. Demoulin, P. A Long-Duration Solar Flare with Mass Ejection and Global Consequences Astrophys. Journal (Letters resz) / Issue: 468 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 73 #: 852 |
18. |
Mandrini, C. Demoulin, P. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Schmieder, B. 3D Magnetic Reconnection at an X-Ray Bright Point Solar Phys. / Issue: 168 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 115 #: 853 |
19. |
vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Schmieder, B. Demoulin, P. Mandrini, C. Emerging Flux, Reconnection, XBP / Proc. IAU Coll. 153. Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 459 #: 854 |
20. |
Schmieder, B. Heinzel, P. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Wiik, J.E. Hot and Cool Post-Flare Loops: Formation and Dynamics / Proc. IAU Coll. 153. Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 211 #: 855 |
21. |
Nitta, N. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Leka, K.D. Hudson, H.S. Active Region Evolution and Flare Activity - a case study of NOAA 7260 / Proc. IAU Coll. 153. Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 515 #: 856 |
22. |
vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Schmieder, B. Demoulin, P. Mandrini, C. Emerging Flux as Seen by Yohkoh / JOSO Annual Report '95 Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 124 #: 857 |
23. |
Schmieder, B. Malherbe, J.M. Mein, P. Mein, N. Signatures of New Emerging Flux in the Solar Atmosphere / ASP Conference Series Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 43 #: 858 |
24. |
vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Wiik, J.E. Schmieder, B. Kitai, Expansion Rate of Post-Flare Loops in the Chromosphere and Corona / ASP Conference Series Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 359 #: 859 |
25. |
Demoulin, P. Mandrini, C. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Priest, E.R. 3D Magnetic Reconnection in X-Ray Bright Points, Flares and Twisted Flux Tubes / ASP Conference Series Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 49 #: 860 |
26. |
Matthews, S.A. Brown, J.C. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Beam Driven Return Current Instabilities and White-Light Flares / ASP Conference Series Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 304 #: 861 |
27. |
Manoharan, P.K. vanDriel-Gesztelyi,L Pick, M. Demoulin, P. Flare Associated Large-Scale Reconnection / ASP Conference Series Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 398 #: 862 |
28. |
Toth, I. Barcza, Sz. Fronto, A. Discovery of an unusual new superoutburst star in Aquarius. Is it a superflare or a fast nova? Astron. and Astroph. / Issue: 315 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 153 #: 863 |
29. |
Holl, A. Guide to the Konkoly Observatory Computer System / Occasional Technical Notes of the Konkoly Obs. Issue: 2 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 865 |
30. |
Holl, A. Survival guide to the local computer system / Occasional Technical Notes of the Konkoly Obs. Issue: 4 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 866 |
31. |
Holl, A. The electronic IBVS / Occasional Technical Notes of the Konkoly Obs. Issue: 5 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 867 |
32. |
Illes, E. The influence of planetary atmospheres on incoming bodies / Proc. of Int.Meeting "Spherules and Global Events" Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 157 #: 868 |
33. |
Jurcsik, J. Kovacs, G. Determination of Fe/H from the light curves of RR Lyrae stars Astron. and Astroph. / Issue: 312 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 111 #: 869 |
34. |
Kovacs, G. Jurcsik, J. On the light curve - luminosity relation of RR Lyrae stars Astrophys. Journal Letters / Issue: 466 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 17 #: 870 |
35. |
Jurcsik, J. On the inter-fade periods of R CrB type variables / ASPCS "Hydrogen-deficient stars" Issue: 96 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 96 #: 871 |
36. |
Jurcsik, J. On the frequency of the decline events of R CrB type variables Acta Astronomica / Issue: 46 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 325 #: 872 |
37. |
Buchler, J.R. Kollath, Z. Serre, T. Chaos in Observational Data of Variable Stars / Annals of the New York Ac. Sci. Issue: 773 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 1 #: 873 |
38. |
Buchler, J.R. Kollath, Z. Serre, T. Mattei, J. Nonlinear analysis of the Irregular Variable Star R Scuti Asrophys. Journal / Issue: 462 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 489 #: 874 |
39. |
Buchler, J.R. Kollath, Z. Beaulieu, J.P. Goupil, M.J. Do the Magellanic Cepheids Pose a New Puzzle? Astrophys. Journal Letters / Issue: 462 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 83 #: 875 |
40. |
Serre, T. Kollath, Z. Buchler, J.R. Search for Low Dimensional Chaos in Variable Star Data - The Global Polynomial Phase-Space Reconstruction Method Astron. and Astrophys. / Issue: 311 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 833 #: 876 |
41. |
Serre, T. Kollath, Z. Buchler, J.R. Search for Low Dimensional Chaos in Variable Star Data - The Analysis of W Vir Model Pulsations Astron. and Astrophys. / Issue: 311 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 845 #: 877 |
42. |
Kovari, Zs. Olah, K. Spot modelling for binaries with two active components Astron. and Astrophys. / Issue: 305 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 811 #: 878 |
43. |
Dempsey, R.C. Neff, J.E. O'Neill Olah, K. Multiwavelength observations of two moderate rotation RS CVn systems: V815 Herculis and IM Pegasi Astron. J. / Issue: 111 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 1356 #: 879 |
44. |
Budding, E. Butler, C.J. Doyle, J.G. Etzel, P.B. Accurate Parameter Determination for Active Cool Eclipsing Binaries Astrophys. Sp. Sci. / Issue: 236 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 215 #: 880 |
45. |
Paparo, M. Sterken, C. Spoon, H.W.W. Birch, P.V. Complex behaviour of The Delta Scuti star Theta Tucanae. I. Frequencies in the light variation Astron. and Astrophys. / Issue: 315 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 400 #: 881 |
46. |
Tremko, J. Andronov, I.L. Chinarova, L.L. Kumsiashvili, M.I. Periodic and aperiodic variations in TT Arietis Astron and Astrophys. / Issue: 312 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 121 #: 885 |
47. |
Szabados, L. New spectroscopic binaries among classical Cepheids Astron. and Astrophys. / Issue: 311 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 189 #: 886 |
48. |
Lamy, P.L. Toth, I. Grun, E. Keller, H.U. Observations of comet P/Faye 1991XXI with the Planetary Camera of the Hubble Space Telescope Icarus / Issue: 119 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 370 #: 887 |
49. |
Lamy, P.L. A'Hearn, M.F. Toth, I. Weaver, H.A. Observations of comets with the Hubble Space Telescope Bull. Amer. Astron. Ass. / Issue: 28 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 1083 #: 888 |
50. |
Lamy, P.L. Toth, I. Weaver, H.A. The nucleus of comet 19P/Borrelly 1994I (Contributed paper) / COSPAR Colloquium No.10 Abstracts (Session No.2) Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 12 #: 889 |
51. |
Toth, I. First lightcurve observations and rotation of Minor Planet 127 Johanna (Poster No.22-7) / COSPAR Colloquium No.10 Abstracts (Session No.22) Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 65 #: 890 |
52. |
Echevarria, J. Tovmassian, G. Shara, M. Tapia, M. Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Dwarf Novae. I. SU Ursae Majoris: Minihumps at a Minioutburst? Astrophys. Journal / Issue: 467 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 851 #: 891 |
53. |
Zsoldos, E. RV Tauri and the RVB Phenomenon. I. Photometry of RV Tauri Astron. and Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. / Issue: 119 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 431 #: 892 |
54. |
Bartus, J. TISMO - Time Series Spot Modeling Program / Occasional Technical Notes in Konkoly Obs. Issue: 6 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 893 |
55. |
Lemke, D. Klaas, U. Abolins, J. Abraham, P. ISOPHOT - capabilities and performance Astron. and Astrophys. Letters / Issue: 315 No: 2 Year: 1996 Page: 64 #: 894 |
56. |
Acosta-Pulido, J.A. Klaas, U. Laureijs, R.J. Schulz, B. The starburst galaxy NGC 6090: from 2.5†m to 200†m Astron. and Astrophys. Letters / Issue: 315 No: 2 Year: 1996 Page: 121 #: 895 |
57. |
Laureijs, R.J. Acosta-Pulido, J.A. Abraham, P. Kinkel, V. Very small grain emission in NGC 7023 Astron. and Astrophys. Letters / Issue: 315 No: 2 Year: 1996 Page: 313 #: 896 |
58. |
Vargha, M. Patkos, L. St. Gellert's Hill Observatory's Cronicle / Konkoly Observatory Monographs Issue: 0 No: 2 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 898 |
59. |
Barcza, Sz. The diamagnetic Coulomb problem at high field strenght. Asymptotic analysis J. of Phys. A / Issue: 29 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 6765 #: 899 |
60. |
Baranyi, T. Ludmany, A. Some Particle Effects in the Solar-Terrestrial Relations / ASP Conference Series Issue: 95 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 489 #: 900 |
61. |
Gyori, L. Baranyi, T. Csepura, Gy. Gerlei, O. Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the Year 1986 / Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliographic Series Issue: 0 No: 10 Year: 1996 Page: 0 #: 901 |
62. |
van Driel-Gesztelyi Csepura, Gy. Schmieder, B. Metcalf, T. Evolution of a Delta-group in the Photosphere and Corona Solar Physics / Issue: 172 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 151 #: 940 |
63. |
Grandpierre, A. On the Origin of Solar Cycle Periodiciy Astrophys. Space Sci. / Issue: 243 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 393 #: 946 |
64. |
Andronov, I.L. TT Ari-94: A Study of 1.6...60 Minute Variability / Catalysmic Variables and Related Objects Issue: 0 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 37 #: 976 |
65. |
Kollath, Z. Buchler, J.R. Time-Frequency Analysis of Variable Star Light Curves / Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Issue: 808 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 116 #: 987 |
66. |
Letellier, C. Le Sceller, L. Gouesbet, G. Brown, G. Reconstructing a Dynamics form a Scalar Time Series / Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Issue: 808 No: 0 Year: 1996 Page: 25 #: 991 |