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Almár I, Illés-Almár E: On circumstellar habitable zones, In: The Bridge Between the Big Bang and Biology. in: CNR President Bureau Spec. Vol. (Ed. Giovannelli F), CNR President Bureau, Rome, 2001, pp 356-361 |
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Bagoly Z, Csabai I, Mészáros A, Horváth I, Vavrek R, Balázs LG: On the Spectra of the Gamma-Ray Bursts, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000. in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp 37 |
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Bakos GÁ: RTLinux driven HAT for All Sky Monitoring, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global scales (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 59 |
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Bakos GÁ: Hungarian Automated Telescope, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 107 |
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Balázs LG: Marginal Notes for a Centenary, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 3-20 |
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Benkő JM: Advantages and drawbacks of the ISM method in globular cluster photometry, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global scales (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 329-330 |
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Buchler J, Kolláth Z: Nonlinear Analysis of Irregular Variables, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 185-213 |
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Buchler J, Kolláth Z: Strange Cepheids and RR Lyrae, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 555, 961-966 (2001) |
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Csizmadia Sz: V842 Herculis: a W UMa star with constant period, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5191), (2001) |
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Csizmadia Sz, Borkovits T: Improved Ephemeris of AQ Com, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5095), (2001) |
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Csizmadia Sz, Molnár A: The W UMa star V861 Herculis, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, 2001, pp 11-16 |
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Csizmadia Sz, Sándor Zs: V404 Lyrae in the Field of the Old Galactic Cluster NGC 6791, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5045), (2001) |
18. |
vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P, Ireland J, Thompson BJ, Fludra A, Oláh K, Kővári Zs, Harra LK, Mandrini CH, Bocchialini K, Orlando S: An observational test for solar atmospheric heating, In: Proceedings of 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions', in: IAU Symp. No.203, (Eds Brekke P, Fleck B, Gurman JB), IAU, 2001, pp 514-516 |
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vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Schmieder B, Poedts S: Magnetic build-up and precursors of CMEs, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001, |
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Frandsen S, Pigulski A, Nuspl J, Benkő JM, Barcza Sz, Szabó R, 21 *: Delta Scuti stars in Praesepe. I. The STACC 1998 campain - the photometry, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 376, 175-187 (2001) |
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Grandpierre A: Variations of Core Luminosity and the Solar Neutrino Fluxes, In: Proceedings of 5th Intern. Topical Workshop at LNGS on 'Solar Neutrinos and Oscillations: Where Are the Oscillations', INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, March 12-14, 2001, (Eds Berezinsky V, Vissani F), 2001, pp 487 |
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Grandpierre A: Measurements of collective and social fields of consciousness, WORLD FUTURES, 57, 85-94 (2001) |
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Green LM, López-Fuentes MC, Démoulin P, Mandrini CH, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: Longterm helicity evolution of NOAA active region 8100, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001, |
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Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A, Gerlei O, Csepura G: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1988, In: Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, Heliogaphic Series No.12, Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, 2001, pp 1-60 |
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Horváth A, Almár I, Illés-Almár E, Szabó A: Comparison of the surface grooves on Gaspra and Phobos, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 27(8), 1489-1492 (2001) |
28. |
Horváth A, Gánti T, Gesztesi A, Bérczi Sz, Szathmáry E: Probable Evidences of Recent Biological Activity on Mars: Appearance and Growing of Dark Dune Spots in the South Polar Region, In: Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. (CD-ROM), 2001, |
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Horváth I, Balázs LG, Mészáros P, Bagoly Zs, Mészáros A: A Gamma-Ray Bursts' Fluence-Duration Correlation, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings of Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000. in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, |
30. |
Illés-Almár E: SL9-like impact-traces on Jupiter? Observations in Hungary at the end of the XIX. century, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 75-84 |
31. |
Illés-Almár E, Almár I, Bencze P, Laneve G: Wave-like variations and sudden density decreases in the lower thermosphere as measured by the San Marco V satellite, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 26(4), 275-280 (2001) |
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Jurcsik J: Blazhko cycles in omega Centauri RRab stars, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales. (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 217 |
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Jurcsik J, Clement C, Geyer EH, Domsa I: Period changes in omega Centauri RR Lyrae stars, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 121, 951 (2001) |
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Kálmán B: Submergence of magnetic flux in interaction of sunspot groups, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 371, 731-737 (2001) |
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Kawamura A, Kun M, Onishi T, Vavrek R, Domsa I, Mizuno A, Fukui Y: Study of L688/L694/L700: A Complex of Dark Clouds in Aquila, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 53, 1097-1108 (2001) |
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Kiss Cs, Ábrahám P: Zodiacal light disk around Sirius? In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 59 |
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Kiss Cs, Ábrahám P, Klaas U, Juvela M, Lemke D: Sky confusion noise in the far-infrared - Cirrus, Galaxies and the Extragalactic Background, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 379, 1611 (2001) |
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Koch Miramond L, Bonnet-Bidaud J-M, Ábrahám P, Claret A: Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Quiescence in the 2.4 - 12 micron Range with ISO, In: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop 'Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei', (Eds Kaper L, van den Heuvel EPJ, Woudt PA), 2001, pp 137 |
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Kolláth Z: Fényszennyezés és világítástechnika, ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 94(5), 183-186 (2001) |
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Kolláth Z, Buchler J: Double Mode Stellar Pulsations, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 29-60 |
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Kov'cs G: The Multiperiodic Behavior of RR Lyrae Stars, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 61-101 |
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Kovács G: On the Double-Mode RR Lyrae Variables of the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 375, 469-475 (2001) |
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Kovács G, Walker AR: Erratum: 'Empirical Relations for Cluster RR Lyrae Stars Revisited', A&A, 371, 579-591, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 374, 264 (2001) |
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Kővári Zs, Pagano I, Neff J, Rodono M, Walter F: UV Spectral Image of AR Lac in Oct 1994, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-1262 |
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Kővári Zs, Strassmeier KG, Bartus J, Washuettl A, Weber M, Rice JB: Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure - XVI. A time-series analysis of the moderately-rotating K1-giant sigma Geminorum, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 373, 199 (2001) |
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Kun M, Aoyama H, Yoshikawa N, Kawamura A, Yonekura Y, Onishi T, Fukui Y: Study of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Region of IC 2118, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 53, 1063-1070 (2001) |
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Lamy PL, Tóth I, Weaver HA, Delahodde CE, Jorda L, A'Hearn MF: The nucleus of 10 short-period comets. Abstract [31.01], BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 33, 1093 (2001) |
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Ludmány A, Baranyi T: Comparative study of the atmospheric effects driven by irradiance vs. corpuscular radiation, In: Proceedings of Euroconference: 'The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate', Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30 2000, ESA SP-463, European Space Agency, 2001, pp 141-144 |
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Mandrini CH, Démoulin P, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Thompson B, Plunkett S, Kővári Zs, Aulanier G: Magnetic evolution of a Long-lived Active Region: The Sources of Magnetic Helicity, In: Magnetic Field across the H-R Diagram. Santiago de Chile, Jan 15-19, 2001, ASP Conference Series, Vol.248, (Eds Mathys G, Solanki SK, Wickramasinghe DT), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 139 |
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Mandrini CH, López-Fuentes MC, Démoulin P, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: The distribution of peculiar active regions along two solar cycles, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001, |
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Mészáros A, Bagoly Zs, Balázs LG, Horváth I, Vavrek R: Probing the Isotropy in the Sky Distribution of the Gamma-Ray Bursts, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings of Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000, in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp 47 |
64. |
Mikulecky M, Rozsa S, Grandpierre A, Kardon L: Sedem rokov dopravnych nehod v Madarsku: chronokozmobiometricka studia. (Seven years traffic accidents in Hungary: the chronocosmobiometric study), In: Sbornik referatu 'Clovek ve svem pozemskem a kosmickem prostredi'. (Proceedings of Conf. 'Man in his terrestrial and cosmical environment'), Upice, Slovakia, 22.-24. May 2001, 2001, pp 175-180 |
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Nikolic S, Kiss Cs, Johansson LEB, Wouterloot JAG, Tóth LV: L1274: a multiwavelength study of a dark cloud in the Cep-Cas void, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 367, 694-704 (2001) |
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Oláh K, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: Flux ratios of solar and stellar active regions, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-709-CD-714 |
67. |
Oláh K, Strassmeier KG: The multiple periods and spot temperatures of V833 Tau, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-1030-CD-1035 |
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Oláh K, Strassmeier KG, Kővári Zs, Guinan EF: Time-series photometric spot modeling IV. The multi-periodic K5Ve binary V833 Tauri, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 372, 119-129 (2001) |
69. |
Pagano I, Rodono M, Linsky JL, Neff JE, Walter FM, Kővári Zs, Matthews LD: Spectral imaging maps of AR Lacertae - I. Results from IUE observations in 1994 October, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 365, 128 (2001) |
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Patkós L: Middle-European Astronomy: one hundred years later, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 85-88 |
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Pócs MD: Period changes of Delta Scuti star AE Uma, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 89 |
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Pócs MD, Rea RD, Szeidl B: GSC 8527-373: a Multimode Delta Scuti Star, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5162), (2001) |
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Pócs MD, Szeidl B: Stability of pulsation of the double-mode high-amplitude delta Scuti star AE Ursae Majoris, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 368, 880 (2001) |
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Poedts S, van der Holst B, De Sterck H, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Csík Á, Milesi A, Deconinck H: Numerical modelling of CME initiation and propagation, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European SpaceAgency, 2001, |
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Sándor Zs, Érdi B, Efthymiopulos C: The Phase Space Structure around L4 and the Restricted Three-Body Problem, CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY, 78, 113-123 (2001) |
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Schmieder B, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Delannée C, Simnett G, Wiik JE: The relationship between CMEs and prominence eruption from SOHO and Tenerife observations, In: Proceedings of 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions', in: IAU Symp. No.203, (Eds Brekke P, Fleck B, Gurman JB), IAU, 2001, pp 310-313 |
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Strassmeier KG, Kővári Zs, Washuettl A, Weber M, Rice JB, Bartus J: Tracing Spot Evolution on the Moderately-rotating sigma Geminorum, In: 12th Cambridge Workshop on 'Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun', July 30-Aug 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, 2001, |
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Szabó R, Csubry Z: Modeling of RR Lyrae instability strips, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 101-106 |
81. |
Szabó R, Kolláth Z, Csubry Z: Numerical modeling of double-mode RR Lyrae stars, In: PhD Conference 1999, Baja-Madrid, (Eds Wilson RE, Hegedűs T, Borkovits T, Gimenez A), 2001, pp 105-108 |
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Szabó R, Kolláth Z, Csubry Z, Buchler JR: Timescales and transitions during stellar pulsation and evolution, In: Astrophysical Ages and Time Scales. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.245, (Eds von Hippel T, Manset M, Simpson C), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 373-375 |
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Szeidl B: The small period change of the delta Scuti star AE UMa, COMMUNICATIONS IN ASTROSEISMOLOGY, 14, 56 (2001) |
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Tóth I: CCD imaging observations of the comae of nucleus fragments of the splitted comet Evans-Drinkwater (C/1996 J1). Abstract [20.07], BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 33, 1075 (2001) |
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Vargha D-né: Konkoly Thege Miklós magyar nyelvű írásai, MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY, 867-880 (2001) |
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