HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont
Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet

Kereszturi, Ákos

PhD, DSc

research advisor / tudományos tanácsadó 

Telephone: (+36-1) 391-9359
Office: Room 011
Personal page

Publications: list of publications at adsabslist of publications at mtmt

MTA CSFK - Asztrofizikai és Geokémiai Laboratórium Kutatócsoport / Astrophysical and Geochemical Laboratory (RCAES)


Professional experience / Szakmai profil:

  • analysis of the surface (geology, geomorphology, mineralogy) and interior of Solar System bodies
  • meteorites, cosmic materials and alalogs, mineral alterations
  • planetary analogue field activites
  • astrobiology relevant topics (water in and beyond the Solar System)
  • laboratory astrophysics
  • planetary mission planning, instrumentalization


  • Comet Interceptor, CoCa (camera) Co-I
  • Hera mission, infrared spectroscopy
  • ExoMars rover, HABIT instrument Co-I
  • EXODRILTECH project (Mars analogue borehole analysis)
  • European Astrobiology Institute, Field Site management