1. |
Abraham, P. Kun, M. Balazs. L.G. Holl A. Infrared Environment of 6 Cephei AA Issue: 268 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 230 |
2. |
Baranyi, T. Ludmany, A. Detection Possibility of the Giant Rolls in the Sun ASP Conf. Ser. Issue: 40 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 81 |
3. |
Bradstreet, D.H. DeWarf, L.E. Guinan, E.F. Etzel P.B. The hyperactive double suns of the binary ER Vulpeculae BAAS Issue: 25 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 1425 |
4. |
Breger, M. Stich, J. Garrido, P. Martin B. Nonradial Pulsation of the Delta Scuti Star BU Cancri in the Praesepe Cluster AA Issue: 271 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 482 |
5. |
Buchler, J.R. Goupil, M.-J. Kovacs G. Stellar Pulsations with Stochastic Driving AA Issue: 280 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 157 |
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Bumba, V. Klvana, M. Kalman, B. Gyori L. Evolution, Activity, Magnetic Fields, Line of Sight and Proper Motions in the Solar Active Region NOAA 6659 (June 3-16, 1991) AA Issue: 276 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 193 |
7. |
Butler, C.J. Houdebine, E.R. Olah, K. Budding E. Optical and Ulraviolet Diagnostics for the RS CVn Binary HK Lac 7th Cambridge Cool Star Workshop, Tucson ASP Conf. Ser. Issue: 26 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 349 |
8. |
Demoulin, P. van Driel-Gesztelyi Schmieder, B. Henoux J.C. Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares AA Issue: 271 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 292 |
9. |
Ecsedy, J. Barlai, K. Astronomy in the Ancient Written Sources of the Far East Archeoastronomy in the 1990's Issue: 0 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 123 |
10. |
Grandpierre, A. Activity Cycle in the Solar Core Inside the Stars IAU Coll. Issue: 137 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 75 |
11. |
Gyori, L. Determination of Refraction from the Distortion of the Sun's Disc AA Issue: 278 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 659 |
12. |
Hempelmann, A. Patkos, L. Spot Model of a Temporary Brightening of SV Cam Cool Stars, Stellar System and the Sun ASP Conf. Ser. Issue: 26 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 271 |
13. |
Holl, A. Deul, E. DENIS - a Forthcoming Near Infrared Survey Astronomy from Large Databases II ESO Conf. Proc. Issue: 43 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 0 |
14. |
Illes, E. Plate Tectonics in the Solar System Carpatian Basin Evolutionary Stages Issue: 216 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 8 |
15. |
Jurcsik J. On the Photometric Behaviour of the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula Sh 2-71 Planetary Nebualae IAUSymp Issue: 155 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 399 |
16. |
Jurcsik, J. FG Sagittae as a new R Coronae Borealis Variable ActaAstronomica Issue: 43 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 353 |
17. |
Kollath, Z. Szeidl, B. On the Irregular Light Variation of RU Camelopardalis AA Issue: 277 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 62 |
18. |
Kovacs G. Modelling Cepheids and RR Lyrae Stars Pulsating Variable Stars IAU Coll. Issue: 139 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 267 |
19. |
Kovacs, G. Buchler, J.R. Double-Mode Pulsations in Radiative RR Lyrae Models ApJ Issue: 404 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 765 |
20. |
Kovacs, G. Bucler, J.R. Theoretical Implications of Triple-Mode RR Lyrae Pulsation New Perspectives on Pulsation... IAU Coll. Issue: 139 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 278 |
21. |
Kun, M. Prusti, T. Star Formation in L 1251: Distance and Members AA Issue: 272 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 235 |
22. |
Lamy, Ph.L. Toth, I. Observations of Comet P/Faye 1991n with the Planetary Camera of the Hubble Space Telescope Asteroids, Comets, Meteors LunarPlanetSciInstContrib Issue: 0 No: 810 Year:1993 Page: 180 |
23. |
Olah, K. Budding, E. Light Variablility of ER Vul Pacific Rim Coll. on New Frontiers in Binary Star ASPConfSer Issue: 38 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 385 |
24. |
Olah, K. Szeidl, B. Variable Star Astronomy at Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Pacific Rim Coll. on New Frontiers in Binary Star ASPConfSer Issue: 38 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 458 |
25. |
Paparo, M. Pena, J. Peniche, R. Ibanoglu FM Comae (=HR 4684) Revisited AA Issue: 268 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 123 |
26. |
Pasztor, L. Toth, L.V. Balazs, L.G. Searching for Embedded Clusters in the Cepheus-Cassiopeia Region AA Issue: 268 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 208 |
27. |
Schmieder, B. Demoulin, P. Haggard, M. Machado M.E. Relationship between Magnetic Field Evolution and Flaring Sites in AR 6659 in June 1991 AdvSpRes Issue: 13 No: 9 Year:1993 Page: 123 |
28. |
Schmieder, B. van Driel-Gesztelyi Gerlei, O. Simnett G.M. A Study of Surges and Flares within an Active Region SolarPhysics Issue: 146 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 163 |
29. |
Szabados, L. Harmonics and Coupling-terms in the Pulsation of the Double-mode Cepheid TU Cas New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation... Proc IAU Coll. Issue: 139 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 372 |
30. |
Szabados, L. New Ways of Revealing Cepheid Binaries New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation... Proc.IAU Coll. Issue: 139 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 406 |
31. |
Szabados, L. Period Analysis of the Beat Cepheid BQ Serpentis Applications of Time Series in Astronomy... Issue: 0 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 247 |
32. |
Szabados, L. Kun, M. 6 Cephei IAU Circular Issue: 0 No: 5813 Year:1993 Page: 0 |
33. |
Szeidl, B. Olah, K. Szabados, L. Barlai K. Photometry of the Peculiar Population II Cepheid RU Camelopardalis (1966-1982) Commun.KonkolyObs. Issue: 11 No: 97 Year:1993 Page: 245 |
34. |
Toth L.V. Mattila K. Haikala L. Balazs L.G. Factor Analysis as a Tool for Spectral Line Separation ASP Conf. Ser. Issue: 52 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 462 |
35. |
Vinko J. Szabados L. Szatmary K. Study of the Population II Cepheid AU Pegasi AA Issue: 279 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 410 |
36. |
Zsoldos E. On the Origin of the Term 'RV Tauri-type' TheObservatory Issue: 113 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 305 |
37. |
Zsoldos E. Photometry of Yellow Semiregular Variables AC Herculis, R Sagittae and V Vulpeculae AA Issue: 268 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 149 |
38. |
Zsoldos E. Photometry of three RV Tauri Variables Luminous High-Latitude Stars ASP Conf. Ser Issue: 45 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 325 |
39. |
Zsoldos E. V487 Cassiopeiae (HD 6474): a UU Her Variable in the Galactic Plane? AA Issue: 280 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 177 |
40. |
Zsoldos E. Fernie J.D. Arellano Ferro A. Seager, S. The Double-mode Semiregular Variable UU Herculis: 1990-1992 Photometry AA Issue: 275 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 484 |
41. |
Zsoldos E. McAdam D. The Real Nature of RX Cephei JBAA Issue: 103 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 286 |
42. |
Zsoldos E. Sasselov D.D. Double-mode Pulsation in Semiregular Variables Luminous High Latitude Stars ASP Conf. Ser. Issue: 45 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 330 |
43. |
van Driel-Gesztelyi Csepura Gy. Nagy I. Gerlei, O. Common Evolution of Adjacent Sunspot Groups SolarPhysics Issue: 145 No: 0 Year:1993 Page: 77 |