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Abraham P. Leinert Ch. Burkert A. Lemke D. Search for cool circumstellar matter in the Ursae Majoris group withISO A&A 338 0 1998 91 Sorszam: 934 |
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Abraham P. Leinert Ch. Lemke D. Burkert A. Far-infrared photometry of circumstellar matter around intermediate mass stars Ap&SS 255 0 1998 45 Sorszam: 935 |
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Almar I. Fejes I. Space VLBI: a new possibility to complement terrestrial microwave surveys Acta Astronautica 42 0 1998 613 Sorszam: 936 |
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Arentoft T. Kjeldsen H. Nuspl J. Bedding T.R. Photometry and asteroseismology of delta Scuti stars in Praesepe A&A 338 0 1998 909 Sorszam: 937 |
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Aulanier G. Demoulin P. van Driel-Gesztelyi Mein P. 3-D magnetic configuration supporting prominences II. The lateral feet as a perturbation of a twisted flux-cube A&A 335 0 1998 309 Sorszam: 938 |
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Aulanier G. Demoulin P. van Driel-Gesztelyi Mein P. 3-D modelling of a filament observed in H-alpha and with SOHO/MDI Three dimensional structure of solar active region 0 0 1998 326 Sorszam: 939 |
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Aulanier G. Schmieder B. Demoulin P. van Driel-Gesztelyi Non-potentiality of coronal loops above active regions Three dimensional structure of solar active region 0 0 1998 105 Sorszam: 940 |
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Bagoly Zs. Meszaros A. Horvath I. Balazs L.G. A principal component analysis of the 3B Gamma-Ray Burst Data ApJ 498 0 1998 342 Sorszam: 941 |
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Balazs L.G. Meszaros A. Horvath I. Anisotropy of the sky distribution of gamma-ray bursts A&A 339 0 1998 1 Sorszam: 942 |
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Baranyi T. Ujabb eredmenyek a szolaris reszecskesugarzas hatasaval kapcsolatban Ionoszfera- es magnetoszfera fizika 21 0 1998 94 Sorszam: 943 |
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Baranyi T. Ludmany A. Coffey H. 22 year solar particle modulation in the Earth's northern hemispheretemperatures Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 0 1998 2269 Sorszam: 944 |
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Barlai K. Archeoastronomia ancilla monumentorum Actas del IV cong. da la SEAC 'Astronomia ...' 0 0 1998 149 Sorszam: 945 |
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Barlai K. Earthbound astronomy Publ. Astron. Obs. Beograd 67 0 1998 154 Sorszam: 946 |
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Barlai K. Bognar-Kutzian I. Prehistoric archaeoastronomy of the Carpathian Basin Ancient astronomy: Sky and mankind 0 0 1998 27 Sorszam: 948 |
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Benko J.M. Balla K. Transition probabilities for H in strong magnetic fields The hot universe 0 0 1998 275 Sorszam: 949 |
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Berend Zs. Balazs L.G. Maximum likelihood estimation of the scale height of Mira variables The impact of near-infrared sky surveys... 0 0 1998 135 Sorszam: 950 |
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Berger C. Biancale R. Ill M. Barlier F. Improvement of the empirical thermospheric model DTM: DTM94 Journal of geodesy 72 0 1998 161 Sorszam: 952 |
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Buchler J.R. Kollath Z. Marom A. An adaptive hydrocode for stellar pulsations Ap&SS 253 0 1998 139 Sorszam: 953 |
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Buchler J.R. Kollath Z. Serre T. Nonlinear analysis of the lightcurve of AC Her A half century of stellar pulsations ... 0 0 1998 231 Sorszam: 954 |
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Cauzzi G. van Driel-Gesztelyi Asymmetric magnetic field distribution in active regions Synoptic solar physics 0 0 1998 105 Sorszam: 955 |
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van Driel-Gesztelyi Evolution and decay of active regions Three dimensional structure of solar active ... 0 0 1998 202 Sorszam: 957 |
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van Driel-Gesztelyi Baranyi T. Mein N. Cader-Sroka B. Evolution of a reversed polarity active region in the photosphere, the cromosphere and the corona JOSO Annual Report 1997 0 0 1998 103 Sorszam: 958 |
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van Driel-Gesztelyi Mein P. Mein N. Schmieder B. Evolution of the magnetic field and chromospheric fine structure in a filament channel Three dimensional structure of solar active ... 0 0 1998 321 Sorszam: 959 |
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van Driel-Gesztelyi Schmieder B. Aulanier G. Demoulin P. Filament disparition brosque CME New perspectives on solar prominences 0 0 1998 366 Sorszam: 960 |
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van Driel-Gesztelyi Willson R.F. Kile J.N. Raoult A. X-ray jets and their radio signatures at metric and centimeter wavelengths The 10th Cam. Workshop on Cool stars, ... 0 0 1998 707 Sorszam: 961 |
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Gyori L. Automation of aera measurement of sunspots Solar Phys. 180 0 1998 109 Sorszam: 962 |
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Gyori L. Baranyi T. Csepura Gy. Gerlei O. Debrecen photoheliographic data for the year 1986 with image supplements The Journal of astronomical data 4 0 1998 2 Sorszam: 963 |
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Hara-Murnioin L.K. Schmieder B. van Driel-Gesztelyi Sato J. Multi-wavelength observations of post flare loop in two long duration solar flares A&A 337 0 1998 911 Sorszam: 0 |
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Kollath Z. Beaulieu J.P. Buchler J.R. Yecko P. Nonlinear beat Cepheid models ApJ Lett. 502 0 1998 55 Sorszam: 977 |
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Kollath Z. Buchler J.R. Serre T. Mattei J. A nonlinear analysis of the irregular star AC Herculis A&A 329 0 1998 147 Sorszam: 978 |
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Kollath Z. Buchler J.R. Yecko P.E. Strange models in classical variable stars Pulsating stars -- Recent developments in ... 0 0 1998 195 Sorszam: 979 |
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Kollath Z. Yecko P.E. Buchler J.R. Turbulent convective Cepheid models Pulsating stars -- Recent developments in ... 0 0 1998 225 Sorszam: 980 |
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Kovacs G. Second overtone RR Lyrae stars: do they exist? Sounding solar and stellar interiors 0 0 1998 231 Sorszam: 981 |
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Kovacs G. Kanbur S.M. Modelling RR Lyrae pulsation: Mission (Im)possible? MNRAS 295 0 1998 834 Sorszam: 984 |
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Meszaros A. Bagoly Zs. Balazs L.G. Horvath I. Importance of the high energy channel for the gamma-ray burst data 0 0 1998 461 Sorszam: 994 |
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